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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百二十四

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
potential [pE5tenF(E)l]1. (n.) person’s possibilities for future development潜力 / z7 p+ \: j2 U, W# U7 r, \
[例]  The organization has an obligation to give every employee an opportunity to grow and to realize his or her full potential. # \9 t, S8 K* R3 v, T: p
2. (adj.) possible in future 有潜力的 & I/ F2 b( H6 Z- \  f( j3 a( ~2 X! K
[例]  our potential customers 7 V/ w( ?' g+ [9 m! K# R% b
  $ R# o) B; }9 ~
; P. |. s5 a% \. {; g2 XPR (public relations) 公关dept.of PR
4 P1 |, {, g3 H8 ~$ z& {[例]  As the company’s PR manager, she has to pay special attention to the company’s image. 6 C3 [7 f- [* q3 J$ R( h3 x' i( k6 [
& e) ]6 e4 g3 O' jpreference share (n) shares which receive their dividends before all other shares and which are repaid first if the company is liquidated 优先股
7 r0 _# a- k3 c) d0 K  }" t[例] She bought preference shares that carry no voting rights.
/ G, f, G/ ?/ X  & e2 O5 }+ H$ I( @
predatory pricing (n)  the pricing of goods and services at a very low level to force out competitors 掠夺性定价 $ b/ V  ^0 m1 `. {7 O
[例] The firm is using predatory pricing to beat other rivals.
+ u; `7 g' m' f( l& b2 ^  / c" U2 E, `$ d7 c- A
proceeds (n) the money from selling something收益 & w2 d5 k# N1 J' w0 ^
[例] The proceeds in the last month increased sharply. % ^1 ^5 @. q% Q2 A
& ]9 _1 c" ?9 m/ o5 Z- R+ ?5 n5 Qprompt day (n) the day on which goods bought at a commodity exchange are due for payment清帐日
. c3 h( r8 ]+ I, R' I1 j[例] The goods will be delivered before the prompt day.
" ^+ I; c& C  @5 \; _) |# e  $ u6 {! \' d% _2 E
proprietary  [ prE5praiEtEri ] (adj) of a product which is made and owned by a particular company 独家制造的 1 ]" v8 b+ H( E9 u9 `' Q8 _
[例] proprietary brands

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