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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百二十五

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
proviso [ prE5vaizEu ] (n) a clause in a document making a qualification, condition, or restriction 附加条文
8 a) P; P& O  E* ^& x& _9 u[例] We will sign the agreement with a proviso that we are the exclusive agent in China.
9 H+ f5 _( V) Q# h2 `+ v8 w  
; p0 B7 [  M$ ~) c# ?" Npurchasing power (n) 1.the ability to purchase, generally measured by income 个人和组织的购买力
5 o+ Y# K6 k* p  Y; c[例] With the rapid development of China’s economy, purchasing power of her people has been greatly increased. " V& a6 f% V0 W+ _4 z" q& Q
2.the value of a particular monetary unit in terms of the goods or services that can be purchased with it 货币的购买力 ' j0 z3 R% [4 A# A7 f$ M
[例] a decrease in the purchasing power of CNY  
1 l9 n9 ?- b7 C  - T0 z" s+ `) K5 y
premise [ 5premis ] (n.) real estate 房产  
8 [# D7 u! z! _# i1 {1 _[例]  Price includes premises plus equipment and raw materials.
; S+ \7 q  b0 w9 h( m4 t5 }  ( V) v. }. A% |  O3 I7 _. D3 r
prestige value (拥有奢侈品的)荣耀感 / G: x# I4 J9 H8 H  }
[例]  the prestige value of owning a Benz
1 E) j' @( {" ?8 w; [1 X  
7 y( C# o" G3 q% i" zpriority [ prai5Criti ] (n.) precedence, especially established by order of importance or urgency 优先(权) / j2 m$ ]1 G7 t& Z
[例]  The most important priority on long-haul flights is comfortable seats.   p7 o9 f: T1 N8 M8 t# T
  ) o% D. G* `6 a6 o" J) r: ]7 w
prioritize [ praI`CrItaIz, `praIErI- ] (v.) to put things in order of importance 优先考虑
( _, V% ]( h% h+ ]" t7 ][例]  Everyone should take time to be alone, to prioritize and meditate.
* A4 T1 {! G9 y  \; @& w1 x[同义词]   preference, superiority ' l3 K; E, \% h' E8 B3 O
  & I6 }% V: G- M  S
probation [ prE5beiFEn ] (n.) period of testing a new employee试用(期);见习(期) ; K8 ~) l3 Z; O6 b( n$ `
[例]  The newly recruited employees are still in probation.  
" A: X; B4 @% e: y( K1 G[同义词]  trial, apprenticeship
* {) e# g: Q6 X6 [+ t  8 w# h- [6 _! B6 p: x
process [ prE5ses ] (n.) system(s) used to manufacture products工艺,程序
' M9 U0 t$ x7 ^+ M[例]  Embroidering is a slow process. * I& v  E( n9 ^) V& v1 B6 C! {& Y3 J
) s1 M) P6 d% \; \9 O/ tprocure [ prE5kjuE ] (v.) to buy获得,购买
% H. d# c; u0 y! [) _  2 E( G8 G% W6 O8 F
procurement [ prE5kjuEmEnt ] (n.) activity of buying获得,购买的行为
( |* L8 U$ `- k0 Z2 Y. \$ S* j[例]  The procurement of that antique cost us a lot of money

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