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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百三十一

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
qualify [ 5kwClifai ] (v.) have the right education and background具有资格
9 }& [1 B2 g) \* T: W3 g1 S[例]  Do you qualify for the vote?
3 n# W% z& z/ ?  
# a% |; \" U# ~9 U) [qualified [ 5kwClifaid ] (adj.) with the right education and experience有资格的
" e1 D1 I" B" ]! A[例]  If we want to recruit suitably qualified staff, we mustn’t have a further fall in pay.   w* Q3 D$ E( X8 y  i+ n5 f( i) p; Z
  - }* T3 b. X" r* Y, W
qualification [ 7kwClifi5keiFEn ] (n.) required education, ability or experience资格 2 Z& ?5 F  \8 _
[例]  He plans to go back to college to get a management qualification. 8 ]; M2 s4 H/ d
[同义词]  suitability, fitness, eligibility - M1 @8 {* S# b& D8 g1 Z
5 o6 n0 {- V1 \3 K2 V( C/ n% j5 c% cquality [ 5kwClifai ] (n.) the value/worth of a product/service 质量 % H) M. ]8 n0 g, I( V. y. H
[例]  The efficiency just shows the inter-relationship between quality and quantity.
; `5 L* j; t, d1 N  , p/ I1 s! k) r/ y) t& X& I
quality assurance (n.) all activities and functions concerned with achieving a high level of quality质量保证
# I8 q. B( V" G, B9 S  / u# x4 O1 F) q/ A
quality control (QC)checking that the quality is high enough质量管理 , e  y$ X, X1 J$ R
[例]  As a quality manager, you should guarantee the quality control. 6 s! A* X% Y5 d  G4 Z
  0 s; `+ I; x/ J! g2 `; ~0 ~4 @  w
quarterly [ 5kwC:tEli ] (adj/adv.) happening four times a year, every 3 months每季的
' O9 g. V0 L  Y5 Z" f& j[例]  Our quarterly results were excellent 7 L. _( Z2 L" Z9 j. h# t9 }1 a9 J
8 j, A3 d. q- B2 ^questionnaire [ 7kwestiE5nZE, -tFE- ] (n.) form consisting of a number of questions调查表  
+ h0 @+ T- |0 u$ j! z[例]  The main purpose of this questionnaire is to collect all the staff’s attitude toward the flextime system. 0 o4 G, e- [. n/ [
( C5 v4 H0 B: N7 ~quote [ kwEut ]1. (v.)to state (a price) for securities, goods, or services.报价 5 z0 t) N+ t9 P* g; V" k
[例]  Could you quote for the contract in dollars? / @8 s2 E. ?  z9 c
8 E$ Q( o! v; r  C; Qquotation [ kwEu5teiFEn ] (n.) 1.estimate of cost 报价单2.listing of the price of on the Stock Exchange股票牌价

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