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[综合辅导] 2012BEC高级阅读:电影《音乐之声》上映45周年

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Even four decades after the movie’s theatrical release, the hills are indeed still alive with ’The Sound of Music.’ The story of the beautiful young Austrian novice Maria (Julie Andrews) who’s sent to play governess to the seven unruly Von Trapp children and falls in love with their widower father, Captain Von Trapp (Christopher Plummer), remains one of the most beloved musicals of all time. Unbelievably catchy songs, career-defining performances and a touching, crowd-pleasing plot made ’The Sound of Music’ one of those timeless must-see films for all audiences.  
% d) _! g3 f; E6 V  虽然距离电影上映已经过去了四十多年,《音乐之声》的故事依然鲜活。年轻美丽的奥地利女孩玛利亚(朱莉•安德鲁斯饰演)初来乍到就被派去给冯•特拉普七个不懂礼貌的孩子当家庭教师,最终和他们寡居的父亲冯•特拉普上校坠入爱河。这个故事多年来一直是最受喜爱的音乐剧之一。影片中朗朗上口的歌曲、演员精湛的表演以及感人且充满欢快的场景,都让《音乐之声》成为了一部所有观众永远必看的影片。 ! S$ X- n  X% y+ {5 c
  In honor of the movie’s 45th anniversary, the ensemble cast will be making the rounds promoting the film that is surely one of our ’Favorite Things.’ With all of that musical nostalgia in the air, here’s an update on what those singing Von Trapps have been up to since they sang and danced around Salzburg.
1 N& s3 \( D* R4 m  为了庆祝影片上映45周年,全体主演将为这部我们最喜爱的电影做巡回推广。伴随着怀旧的旋律,让我们一起来看看那些曾经在萨尔斯堡一边唱着冯•特拉普家族歌曲一边跳舞的人们现在过的怎么样吧。

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