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[综合辅导] 2012BEC高级阅读:迪斯尼动画英语《美女与野兽》

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7 D7 c& _) d- V0 M5 R9 R  【电影片段台词】  ; M$ u6 g4 l% }, c. g  M" P
  - Tonight is the night! * C" F! l( U  m3 [. [: C( I2 X1 ^
  - I’m not sure I can do this.
/ W" x% F. G2 L1 D: u) O; W  - You don’t have time to be timid.You must be bold, daring. 7 Z: C! C0 O1 f
  - Bold.Daring. ( f- X) u* n& ~1 w
  - There will be music.Romantic candlelight, provided myself, and when the time is right, you confess your love. " z3 Y) F4 E9 L# G/ N
  - Yes,I -- I con--No, I can’t.
. z6 ~* P3 I6 R4 y7 f  q, i0 V  - You care for the girl,don’t you?
9 ]' H* R: f1 K" s5 n% v  - More than anything. Voila.You look so...so... ! Y( r$ v$ D# o/ S2 h2 ?+ I
  - Stupid. * f' r) P* s' f( E$ `3 `
  - Not quite the word I was looking for. Perhaps a little more off the top.
- a2 D# e" d" w# j5 ~  【重点词汇讲解】
5 k; q& m7 p# P' v3 S  1.Tonight is the night. 就是今晚了。
3 G! ~% \% o" E3 A2 o* \* I  这种说法用来表示有重要的事情要发生,类似的还可以说:Today is the day.
  ?4 G' \+ C/ Q( Y2 h  2.You must be bold, daring. 你必须勇敢。 3 W+ D# l4 Y( g# G; T, ^
  daring adj. 勇敢的,大胆的 3 b2 T3 _7 R/ h, A( g
  这个词是由dare变过来的,而dare本意是敢于做……。 5 d; n1 B& L  t) d( d, {" w
2 G6 V1 e: m3 d: N  He is a daring aviator. 他是一个勇敢的飞行家。
9 |$ z, S0 e+ x9 W5 F  Being youngsters, we sat modestly at the back, never daring to speak. 我们是些年轻人,都谦恭地坐在后面,始终不敢发言。
3 p  }1 I1 d6 L: O0 a- O  3.You confess your love. 你表白你的爱。
5 H( n( h  w! Y. j/ O# g& ^+ `  confess adj.承认、坦白 3 r& @+ }5 n( ^9 O
  例句: 5 o# z0 q* @: d( V. t" x+ {
  I confess my betrayal of you. 我承认我曾经背叛了你。
- E" J3 o9 m) F: X, r( n6 u  Many times, people confess their own writing dreams. 很多次人们承认自己有写作梦。
9 \" a" H+ A& [) |  4.You care for the girl, don’t you ? 你爱那个女孩,不是吗? * C3 b- u& I- r& {* ]) {- Q% H8 i
  care for 喜欢,关心,爱
. k( h) A8 o. p5 T: C1 f3 F  例句: % X( {6 I' k% e
  Would you care for coffee or tea? 你要喝咖啡还是喝茶? ' T0 h9 ^8 n5 ?. g" M2 m) ]
  We have an obligation to care for the next generation. 我们都有关心下一代的责任。
- E! o' @3 f: b4 G1 R8 q# [+ s; P  Sometimes people care for the wrong things, or care too much about something. 有时人们会关心一些所谓不对的事情,或对一些事情格外的关心。

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