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[综合辅导] 2012年上半年商务英语考试汉译英资料(9)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一张去那边的往返票要多少钱? How much does a round trip ticket to go there cost?   你可以把这件外套送到洗衣店吗? Would you take this coat to the cleaners?
+ o2 J5 e2 M6 h6 ]  可以帮我把这件裙子烫平吗? Will you iron out the wrinkles in this skirt?
2 E# U% |  \: j  可以帮我烫这件衬衫吗? Wont you iron this shirt for me?
! V% t$ e3 G/ ^3 w  下雨时请你收一下衣服,好吗? Will you bring the laundry in if it rains?( s9 u* S! Y2 r$ i1 d0 }$ Z; @  f
  我应该在哪里补票? Where am I supposed to pay the excess train fare?
3 h" }* h' J* x0 u' |  你在哪里取你的手提箱呢? Where can you pick up your suitcase?
$ g, t: D* F4 }" m7 J( b7 l9 r  你什么时候可拿到车票呢? When can you pick up your ticket?
6 M& N& x8 P, Y4 m: o  入境处在什么地方? Where is immigration?
3 v  V: ?& L8 y. Q  我到哪里去拿我的行李呢? Where can I get my baggage?8 H9 }, ~  d2 x, k+ s
  起飞时间准时吗? Is the departure time on schedule?) H1 H4 R& c  h% K  ^3 C
  班机诞误多长时间? How long will the flight be delayed?中华考试网
7 m! S' t% m6 {; S( r3 H- ^  什么原因延误? Whats the cause of the delay?
1 ]! [$ z& R0 A; H0 b  这班机会延误吗? Will the flight be delayed?

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