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[综合辅导] 2012商务英语考试高级高频词汇解析(19)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.back pay 补发工资(常为追补的加薪金额)  . ]6 {+ i9 b4 i# U
例句:She received 6 months’ back pay in her July pay packet.   |' U7 ?# N' }/ A
她领到了7月份工资时还同时收到了6个月的补发工资。   * K# M% I8 D5 t0 o5 F
2.baby break 产假、停职育婴期  # U5 P+ I% S) }
例句:Helping their female employees to have a short baby break and smooth re-entry to the workforce would minimise the problems. % g. w0 a$ G( i& Z4 i
帮助女性雇员度过短暂产假后再顺利回到工作岗位,这样可以使问题减少到最低限度。 ( X2 H* E3 z& p! T- U+ P
3.bad publicity 负面宣传  0 j7 A. U9 c; x# ?$ W' G
4.bagstuffer 广告传单  中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
) [3 w- x! P- M% f5.bad debt 坏账  
9 f/ A# H9 W- H例句:The bank wrote off one million pound in bad debts.
; L$ V* p  D, W银行注销了100万英镑的坏账。

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