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[综合辅导] 2012年上半年商务英语考试汉译英资料(25)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我会打电话到他的公司和你联络。 Ill connect you with his office.  + ]! n! u0 o/ q+ f
  抱歉让你久等了,接通了。 Sorry kept you waiting so long. You are on . ; R7 S+ m* F$ M8 `, R# G& I1 S
  占线。 The line is busy. 8 |; j5 p+ c$ [" V
  没有人接电话。 No answer. 8 O/ v% Q. E# ~9 Z) m3 ^# q
  他正在通话。 He is on the phone. % a* q4 t& t  y( u. e$ ^  e
  这个电话不通。 This telephone line is interrupted. 9 e% w' B5 L7 i0 R3 H/ K1 l
  电话串线了。 The wire has got crossed. 5 n1 R% Q1 Y7 i4 U+ D1 J
  请问是谁打来的? Who is speaking? 中华考试网
% W- b  l& ^  g3 x+ A! t  恐怕你打错号码了。 I’m afraid you have the wrong number.
& ]( Y! m/ @) U+ [- c9 W! e* O  打265-5822. Ill calling 265-5822.
. ]: S' g9 A/ ~. u  请挂电话。 Please ring off.
8 S* ]! F0 N* |! I  我回电话给你。 Ill call you back.
3 h( Z- y$ e# F  j  让我在电话中和她讲些话。 Let me talk to her over the phone.
# O6 h9 S* H! c  Y  请你叫沈小姐来接电话好吗? Would you call Miss Shen to the telephone? ' x9 p; `/ X0 g$ k
  抱歉,她外出了,你要留口信吗? Sorry, She is out. Shall I take a message? + j5 m, j0 o8 z- M1 ?
  我会请她回电话。 I’m going to put on to her. 3 A2 K6 t  L, I6 T0 D. C( X- l  [
  声音不清楚。 The voice is not distinct.
6 q+ ?* u! O. B4 d  打电话到我办公室。 Give me a ring at my office.

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