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[综合辅导] 2012年商务英语写作:作文图表描述常用句型(4)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. This may serve to explain, at least in part, the mirror image of the two lines. 这可能有助于解释,至少部分解释了这两条线的镜像关系。
3 {  p) j) B9 C6 v1 [   " ~$ R7 T: J$ |3 k7 V) q
2. Perhaps the most telling feature of the chart is the dominance of... 也许该图表最生动的特征就是……的优势 , n' U8 W8 Q9 T0 a* H; B# d
   7 C$ o  h) J0 P& H! b1 H1 \
3. The graph relates the percentage of... 该图的比例关系……外语学习网 8 ~/ T3 G4 R( U/ ]8 U. ]: M
   - M4 {+ M3 R1 K# z! a
4. Rise gradually to about 10%. 逐渐上升至百分之十左右。
7 M' {) y$ E1 o0 x   # |2 _  j4 C: a* ~. j. J6 s; j
5. After a slight drop around lunch time, audiences begin a fairly steady climb towards the peak viewer ship in the hours from 6pm to 10pm at some 40-45%. 在午餐时间有轻微的下降,然后观众开始稳定增长,在下午六点至10点,观众增加至峰值,百分之四五十左右。
5 r+ [3 r9 m0 E  
7 c. _. e" r* k2 V- C6. A sharp decline follows to... 跟随着……急剧下降 / w) e' Q1 T" j0 s
   9 J* W, J# E6 ~. ]. u  i
7. Listenership drops steadily from this peak, crossing the line for television views at around 2pm. 听众人数自峰值稳定下降,在下午两点左右横越电视观众数。 9 D9 }5 X! t. f3 ?. }, S7 k
   * C+ l8 {) J$ P4 F: G1 y
8. It continues to decline throughout the evening until reaching a low point at 2am. 整个晚上它继续下降,直到凌晨02点达到最低点。 ) x2 K5 N3 n  X( l0 R% a; Y
   4 [; N! O4 k/ O1 K$ x
9. The graph proves the dominance of... 该图显示了XXX的优势 , }0 }, z" w7 |5 A- s$ ~
6 r+ e2 s. h# A10. During the peak period of... 在XXX的高峰时期,……

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