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[综合辅导] 2012年商务英语写作:作文图表描述常用句型(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. The diagram unfolds a clear comparison between... 该图没有展现XX与XX之间的清晰比较 : P4 l8 T5 `1 ~5 }* V) ~3 ]
   ' e2 V1 w# k1 y. J9 y
2. The United States as a whole in four aspects, namely, ... 美国,作为一个整体在四个方面,即…… ' E$ f+ M# W2 j/ M- J+ w' B
3. Obviously, in every aspect... 很显然,在各个方面……
2 R. n3 _; e1 C6 d4 M* h3 \' i  ]& d  
$ i- P" ?" }* |" n: D) |$ ?3 c% z( t4. ... had a much higher growth rate than... as a whole during that period. 整体看来,在那期间,XXX增长速度远远高于XXX 4 ]3 B  R$ q9 B: \
   0 Z8 j7 r7 S2 \8 i* i+ q6 k  C2 F' }
5. The number of... increased by %. XXX的数据增长了…… www.Examw.com
6 n% C( A- P/ ~- C   & H' f' M6 \4 l1 P5 b5 B
6. The most rapid increase of all the four aspects... As to the other three, though the growth rates were not so high, they were indeed remarkable and impressive.
6 l# o* n5 d1 R! k& A四个方面中增长最快的是……至于其他三个方面,尽管增加速率没那么高,它们的增长也是很显著的。 " ^5 d9 m& N# b2 {2 _3 T  z" D
   3 x5 @, l  D8 Z/ S9 p3 l  ?
7. The number of... dropped by %.  XXX的数据下降了……
4 ^  d* N( e9 a  
' E- ^. [1 z4 E2 D, b- `8. From the diagram it can be safely concluded that (in the years)... 由图可知(几年时间里)……
% a  y, {! A  {7 |   2 Z4 h- M) I7 p
9. There were many significant changes (in modes of transport)... 有很多明显的改变(在运输方式方面)…… ) K. l- ^" U3 q& {+ E  o
   7 X/ Y; ?# A5 D3 `4 }
10. The following paragraphs will identify and discuss the trends in the accompanying graph. 下列各段将确定并讨论附图所示趋势。
" b2 Q4 n9 m$ k  
0 u7 Y5 ?/ t( a$ ]7 ?* z4 _11. A very noticeable trend was the steady decrease in... 一个明显的趋势是在XXX方面的稳定下降。   @4 Z8 K4 [& T! r9 ?  N0 F
   www.Examw.com% w9 b( a% p. A: J
12. During the same period, there was a large increase... 同时,XXX增幅很大。
3 r/ f5 q; A* o: e( r5 O   " W) a& M0 C2 y) T% j, }4 W& x) s
13. This increased again... 它再次增长了……

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