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[综合辅导] 2012年商务英语写作:正确使用介词of

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年商务英语写作:正确使用介词of6 P% x0 |" a; E7 E# e# U3 R
I find that non-native English speakers tend to use the word “of” much too often. “Of” is also frequently used incorrectly instead of other prepositions.
0 \% a- i" x/ P9 p1 ?& t我发现非英语为母语的人经常用of这个词,但是这个词比起其他介词来,也更常被误用。decisionthe approval of the Management Boardthe Management Board’s approvalthe consent of the Meeting of Shareholdersthe consent of the Shareholders’ Meetingthe representative of the Companythe Company’s representativethe total remuneration of the Contractorthe Contractor’s total remuneration. w" b" o, ^3 g  ?; \) L& J* O$ D

/ a& p+ F; I) |% q% t) _/ ANote that all these examples refer to a person or a group of people – i.e. the claimant, the regulatory authority, the Management Board, the Shareholders’ Meeting, the Company and the Contractor.6 Y" F- }6 Y2 ^9 a% N7 `" I
以上的例子所指代的对象都是某人或由某些人组成的组织,比如原告、管理机构、管理局、股东大会、公司和承包人,所以可以用’s来代替of。0 g* \: l8 S7 k$ e
: ^& v  k$ T2 @( d8 v+ U

. X7 c1 H) F, d5 |% ~3 [$ Z) }Now look at other examples:
' F+ [* @9 J# Y- b/ [2 x再看下面这组例子:
  |) c1 A) F0 G4 W
9 s. N4 e: ~) n; D8 mBad StyleGood StyleGerman law’s perspective the perspective of German lawthe contract’s terminationthe termination of the contractthe claim’s rejectionthe rejection of the claimthe contract’s annexthe annex to / of the contractthe judgement’s datethe date of the judgementthe plans’ realisationthe realisation of the plans% T/ h& A8 X. [1 s( o. W

; D: X2 J4 d" t- p! BThere are no people involved in any of these examples, so it is better to use of instead of ’s.  n) M6 |2 y, i# o4 h- R! N( Y
这些例子里,都没有涉及到任何人,所以在这里较为恰当的用法还是使用of来代替’s。( Q+ o5 X& Q6 T2 _# A& Q
9 j# I0 F9 C' ^9 q0 w

  V- G7 }8 F8 M. G+ a/ j' wI should add, however, that this is a general rule, and there are exceptions to it. But if you follow this rule, it should – most of the time – make your writing easier to read.
( ^- B1 D0 m; d) A6 a; @8 h我要特别指出的是,这是一条通用法则,当然还有特殊情况。不过,如果你学会了这条法则的话,大多数时候,你的英语写作会更容易阅读。

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