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[综合辅导] 2012年上半年商务英语考试汉译英资料(42)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
- z. b. [. h! w3 e& r由于这种难以预料的情况,合同中的有关条款不得不做些修改。 Some relative clauses in the contract have to be amended owing to the unexpected situation.- i; S; b8 d( O. m* @" c
  这个合同将到期,我们来谈谈新合同的事宜吧。 Since the contract is about to expire, shall we discuss a new one?
. }; G3 T9 j1 K5 T2 Q1 j; Y! I  包装直接关系到产品的销售。 Packing has a close bearing on sales." p, @% b6 U0 V! ~3 X9 c$ ^( b& u
  包装有助于推销产品。 Packing will help push the sales.
: x6 M" {6 W  Y. u9 k  买方通常很注意包装。 Buyers always pay great attention to packing.
, L. s4 T: A. ?  不同商品需要不同的包装。 Different articles require different forms of packing.3 I+ C7 B% D7 a8 X4 v
  一般来说,买方应承担包装费用。 Buyers, generally speaking, bear the change of packing.6 s. A: t& R, S! }, X
  包装占货物总成本的百分比是多少? How much does packing take up of the total cost of the goods?; c, g4 C2 P* a0 o/ h. U0 u7 M
  包装必须很坚固,能承受野蛮装卸。 The packing must be strong enough to withstand rough handing.
3 \7 W4 K/ q/ x2 n( d& a9 l  坚固的包装可以防止货物在运输途中受到任何损失。 Strong packing will protect the goods from any possible damage during transit.
2 d! v+ ?2 a% Q  纸箱适合海运。 Cartons are seaworthy.转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]
2 w( i- _' q: t3 z  人们购买这种商品通常用来赠亲友,所以精美高雅的设计至关重要。 This kind of article is often bought as a gift, so exquisite and tasteful design is of prime importance.( @1 {2 }( ~" |: e7 z
  我们很想听听你们在包装方面有什么意见。 Wed like to hear what you say concerning the matter of packing.
3 j6 V- G- |; U0 d8 o0 {0 G) l  有关包装运输唛头的条款你们有什么异议吗? Do you have nay objection to the stipulations about the packing and shipping marks?
* }5 t: Y- Y9 U2 Z; r- C5 k5 D0 j  我们将按你方的要求进行包装。 Well pack the goods according to your instruction.$ _4 a! i: l& o1 p* s( k
  货物将用细刨花包装,以防损坏。 The goods will be packed in wood wool to prevent damage.

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