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[综合辅导] 2012年下半年商务英语中级考试英汉译文(6)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
( D3 F! }" {- {请告诉我们几种可能的运输方式的价格。 Please show us the shipping costs for several possible carries.
- A& L2 N0 u2 e& t' }3 b% W  我们必须核查一下由其他供应商提供的费率。 Well have to check these rates against those charged by other suppliers.
9 }7 H6 L, l3 ]! V6 u1 d  我们现在开始开会好吗? Shall we start the meeting now?* T5 g2 ]6 L  n' ~
  谢谢你出席今天的会议。 Thank you for attending todays meeting.0 E/ u% S( Q# e
  在议程上第一件事就是销售额下降了。 The first thing on the agenda is the drop in sales.. {9 z- s7 [9 B- f8 u; Y
  本次会议的目的就是要讨论对悬而未解的问题的可能解决办法。 The purpose of this meeting is to discuss possible solutions for the pending issues.8 L/ t: H7 k6 M
  让我们看一下议程讨论第一项。 Lets look at the agenda and talk the first item.
% C( G* v' f7 k6 V; M  F  史密斯先生,你要开始做事了吗? Mr. Smith, would you like to start things off?外语学习网
- Q5 Z! t" G! n6 f& @; r& r( P/ @  我们已进行很久了,让我们休息一下好吗? Weve gone over quite a lot. Shall we take a break?
5 q& u( ]& y( i' |9 T4 P' s$ V: ]+ L  我不知道你们是否要休息,但我想休息片刻。 I dont know about the rest of you, but i'd like a break.
/ m" a  N" `4 z% Q  l  我们暂停一下,10分钟后继续。 Lets stop here and continue in about 10 minutes.
. P( {1 }7 z" o# U# u6 r6 v  哦,我认为我们该回到正题上了。 Well, I think its time we get back to business.
" d7 Q( k2 \& r& o1 _7 x  请你们各位就坐好吗?我们要继续开会了。 Could all of you take your seats? We need to continue our meeting.

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