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[综合辅导] 2012年下半年商务英语初级考试复习指导(4)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* U  m  J/ B( @ 商务术语:2 R# C! G# w# r6 C' A5 [3 o
  Shareholders(股东), board of directors(董事会), parent company(母公司), affiliate(子公司), day-to-day running(日常管理), multinational corporation(跨国公司), home country(母公司所在国), host country(东道国)书籍63-64页$ d9 G, P$ x  w, x. S
1 H" i* d* b- j& n" p, x  1. 经济全球化的基本特征和优劣势:' L' L5 q- E, s5 `+ V# m
  A. Basic feature:a. free flow of commodity,capital, technology,service and information
! h0 c* s+ N$ e* b0 q* _% g  b. optimized allocation of resources(资源优化配置)
5 W* _- F0 ?5 `  B. Advantages and negative impacts:0 t4 a$ t1 F) G2 c! }
  Advantages: a. new impetus and opportunities to world economic development
2 ^+ M9 Y. u; W* o  b. mutual benefits from economic booms
; @& T1 m* |5 Z5 ~4 \& b  Negative impacts: a. make countries more vulnerable to the adverse events across the global
0 K  d' K$ D. u+ j% Y  b. not balanced benefits; d( w& r7 a+ ?1 W
  3. 跨国公司 (multinational corporations)
8 h5 K" ~2 @3 P7 k/ X0 ]: @  A. organization---parent and affiliates (组织----母公司与子公司)
% Q0 }9 W1 {2 |# _( L  B. features: a. enormous size b. wide geographical spread (广阔的地域分布)
$ U- }4 A0 D. a; B8 L6 y' S2 ]2 ?- A  c. needs ,goals and roles (需要, 目标和作用): profits, security$ R$ o; A( Z- B4 q+ g
  C. four types: a. multi-domestic corporation, G" t$ Q6 E5 o( e7 h+ S
  b. global corporation
2 ~( M: C- O% k, \  c. transnational corporation
  l( l! p% N- N! h0 O  M6 {1 E  d. world company中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
" X  Q' M1 o& B- m# t+ E' k/ p1 [  4. 翻译:
7 o" k% _5 H& P# `/ }  a. 经济全球化使得各国经济更容易受到全球各地不利事件的伤害。
1 X1 z4 }3 u5 ~  Economic globalization is making the various economies more vulnerable to the adverse events across the globe.- i8 o2 F! h5 s5 s) F/ z
  b. 安全对任何一个跨国企业而言都极为重要,因为没有安全,跨国企业组织的生存便无法保证。: u7 l, n! D9 a6 L
  Security is extremely important to any MNE because without it, an MNE’s survival can never be assured.

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