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[综合辅导] 2012年下半年商务英语初级考试复习指导(7)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ Z  X3 h; n" l. j 商务术语:
* k  D/ P" \% y2 U  Inquiry(询盘,询价), quotation(报价单), validity period(有效期), offer(发盘), counter-offer(还盘), offeree(收盘人), sales confirmation(销售确认书), Consignment(寄售), fore majeure(不可抗力), business line(业务范围), contract proper(合同正文), article number(货号).
$ t8 C  e' [/ }! B. N' X6 V  考点:1 v2 w/ G4 \3 u+ A
0 \9 t! d  }! J1 Z' ?, H  A contract is an agreement which sets forth binding obligations of the relevant parties$ q1 L/ B2 i; I' T
  2.谈判过程及签定合同(the process of negotiation and the conclusion of the contract)1 Q. p$ X: V! T) y+ C
  inquiry--àquotation---> offer and acceptance-àcounter-offer- L3 y) b9 ^' `8 P# ]9 o
  3.合同的种类(The types of contracts)
9 x4 v! p' `; S  ^9 m: g  a. sales contract3 b! b+ v' H4 C# k
  b.purchase contract. B+ {) o8 ]( Q( r, U" J
  c.sales confirmation
0 v: Y7 R& a5 U2 Y$ [  4. 合同的构成(the setting up of a contract)转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]4 \) ]5 c6 W! R$ h+ Q
  a. the title (合同名称)' m0 l7 t- `8 w* W' U
  b. the contract proper(合同正文)
6 }/ K5 r3 ^  @4 Z$ Q! T( X7 _% H  c. The signature of the contracting parties(缔约双方签字)1 U, z1 \3 w& R9 }" j
  d. The stipulations on the back of the contract(合同背面的规定)
! e, f/ I9 p( w- ^; _# D* j- e% h  翻译练习:
0 {( V- U. {( d! J  a. 在实盘情况下,我们通常保留有效期三天
9 |& ]' X; z  l2 h  In case of firm offers, we usually keep our offers open for three days

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