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[综合辅导] 2012年下半年商务英语初级考试复习指导(10)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
' J: @- p4 D% A) @6 ^商务术语:
2 E$ F/ E. h: K) w7 ?* M  Insured(保户), Insurer(承保人), margin(保险金), underwriter(保险商), pool(共同款项), cargo insurance(运输保险), marine insurance(海上保险), indemnity(赔偿), ruin(损失), insurable interests(可保险权), principle of utmost faith(最大诚信原则), forwarding charge(远期费用) 书籍 307,322页# ~/ l+ q4 H. D6 N$ v" X
# v! X2 D- t7 F; O# c  1.保险的定义(definition)’
; n- ^# x: s% |7 X4 q  It can be defined as a social device in which a group of individuals transfer risk and provides for payment of losses from funds contributed by all members who transferred risk
6 Q3 l% W6 Q. }  2.保险的三个主要原则(Three main principles of insurance)2 q% Z+ X& u$ N, N
  a. insurable interest8 Y/ M# M# k* o6 Y- p2 l. _1 z7 v; Y
  b. utmost good faith2 O! ]. o+ T& n( \
  c. indemnity
! @& l2 `2 l' @4 U* o  两个辅助原则(two sub-principle of insurance)
! C) X1 Z& y8 c  a. contribution
/ x/ G7 u( u( ], ?6 J8 {  b. suborgation
' g: x2 ~" V( _  N  翻译练习:中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
" K& g0 Y9 P1 ^, F  a. 货物保险通常有火险, 海上保险和意外事故保险
; q5 ^  x" P# `9 L* V( S, r3 B  Cargo insurance includes fire, marine and accident insurance.
  @- e* ]) J, t2 _! k7 e  b. 没有可保利益的保险合同是无效的。而任何根据这类合同提出的所赔都不会受理
8 C( y  t: T- ]! l; l  i  An insurance contract without an insurable interest to support it is invalid and any claim made upon it will not be entertained% Q- q' d% l* U5 Y: ^' D
  Lesson 17 The International Monetary System and Exchange Rate

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