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[综合辅导] 2012BEC中级阅读汉译英对照36

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
包装费中有1美元是包装桶的费用,此费用在桶还给我们时可退回。 Our packing charge includes $1 for the drum, which sum will be credited on return.  , E( z: r% U, q1 R+ T3 I/ J/ d
  纸箱外加了两道箍,每个箱角都用金属角加固。 The whole carton is packed with double straps, each corner of the carton consolidated with metal angles.
7 s0 d: ?5 l1 Z; w5 P  泡沫塑料用来防止挤压。 Foam plastics are applied to protect the goods against press.
; l6 d' f' k9 n( w/ Y  选择合适的运输方式很重要。 Its essential to choose the right means of transportation. 8 t: U+ o* K6 C8 Q- u* w
  为了确保迅速交货,我方要求此订货用空运。 To ensure faster delivery, you are asked to forward the order by air freight. 2 y: U) ^9 M: B3 ?4 y
  总的来说,海运比铁路运输更便宜,但速度慢一些。 Generally speaking, its cheaper but slower to ship goods by sea than by rail. $ M# p* i3 Q! @1 X1 \4 Y
  空运较快但运费较高。 Its faster but more expensive to ship goods by air. - U8 |) m9 p: |) ~' r8 r
  由于我方急需这批货物,我方坚持使用快递装运。 Since we need the goods urgently, we must insist on express shipment. 7 I; k4 s. j: z3 E# h
  由于商品的性质,我方只能使用公路运输。 Because of the type of purchase, we can only ship by road.

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