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[综合辅导] 2012年上半年商务英语英汉对照辅导02

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我们对你方的产品非常满意,正欲订购。我们定单的大小主要取决于你方的价格。 We are delighted with your products and are thinking of placing an order. The size of our order will depend greatly on your price.   如果你方价格比其他竞争对手的优惠,我们将向你们订货。 If your prices are more favorable than those of your competitors we shall send you our order.
% w2 ?+ h9 K6 ?2 r# e( t  能否告知这些电热器的价格,以便我们作出决定。 Would you please tell us the price of these electric heaters so as to help us make the decision.4 U6 f# R4 A; y& \+ U
  请告知可供现货的数量。 Please inform us the quantity that can be supplied from stock.9 F/ m) b8 i5 _$ k7 L
  我们急于知道贵方多长时间能交货。 We are anxious to know how long it will take you to deliver the goods.
" |3 j+ Y$ Y& I' l. N( Y  相信由于我方大量订购贵方能报最优惠价格。 We trust that you will quote us your most favorable price for big quantities.0 ]/ }: j! ^0 m5 J2 T# i! a
  相信贵方能满足我们的要求。 We trust you can meet our requirements.转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]
8 h/ U* b% g0 u! N  希望这将是我们互利商业往来的良好开端。我们保证将对贵方的报价予以认真的考虑。 We hope this will be a good start for profitable business relations and assure you that your offer will receive our careful consideration.
- w3 g9 L1 p" g  |) n# o  我们通常给予20%的商业折扣,外加订货1000件以上的数量折扣。 We usually deal on a 20% trade discount basis with an additional quantity discount for orders over 1000 units.
  h& X9 Q% ?# ?& v9 A; ]0 j9 m3 d  我们还想指出我们主要以承兑交单方式结帐。 We would also like to point out that we mainly settle our accounts on a document.-against-acceptance basis.

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