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[BEC真题] 剑桥商务英语中级考试历年真题阅读精讲(17)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:16:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  人邮第四辑真题TEST 4 READING PART 2" F' p! F/ T+ y) k
  When two brands are better than one3 O# N7 x2 Q3 W8 B* J. |
  Elena Alvarez takes a look at the effectiveness of marketing partnerships
8 Y& X3 G, ]' e7 I# e  In the corporate world, rivalry is more common than co-operation. But increasingly; companies have been setting aside their differences; the new idea is that two brand names are better than one. Sharing databases, strategies and communication systems can be the most effective means of attracting customers. (G )This partnership will give it access to the utility company's database of thousands of corporate clients, who will be offered special deals on all its products.' O4 M7 x- }3 q" e
  The philosophy behind such joint ventures is simple. In economically challenging times, marketing partnerships provide a cost-effective method of increasing brand awareness and sales. As one expert in the field puts it, 'Clever marketing partnerships allow brands to target the right people, cutting down the above-the-line spend.' (8) .....E....... It is better to simplify the
( }1 {: [) M& ]9 _% Aprocess and give them one focal point." d7 L/ }; W2 E( m- C
  Recent research has indicated that marketing partnerships can be up to 27 per cent more productive than single company campaigns.(9) .......B..... In particular, it is ideal for bringing instant branding to companies that lack immediate consumer appeal.
0 n9 m' z$ k% E% j0 k: s. Z  One well-established UK phone manufacturer, ITB, was quick to realise this, and formed an alliance with 7a/fc a leading women's magazine. The phone company has benefited from the strong branding of the magazine, which has its customer base among professional women in their early 20s. (10) ....D........ This combined approach also offered ITB a quick route into image enhancement, and this is true of many other marketing partnership deals. To give another illustration, it is no coincidence that some well-known cartoon characters are currently enhancing the image of Nasco household cleaning products.(11).....F.......And, of course, this strategy should also guarantee that consumers' children insist on these products rather than rival brands.
' C. K+ Y6 K9 n% W- l* Z# z  However, while association with a powerful brand can give a significant boost to sales, being connected to a devalued brand can have a negative result. The problems of one brand inevitably impact on the other in a partnership.(12).....A.......A company may take years to recover from this sort of bad publicity. Indeed, there are numerous examples of disastrous marketing alliances. In such cases, not enough thought has been given to the partnership and the reasons behind it, and it has brought little value to either the customer or the companies involved.2 K; @- r$ l) V6 U6 ^: B6 `
  A In such circumstances, the effects are frequently major and can be long-lasting.  S2 P# O+ C: l! d, v: f) o+ y
  B Some experts therefore predict that this style of marketing will take up an increasingly large proportion of many companies' total marketing budgets.! w. R* }8 b( m$ W! p
  C Successful marketing partnerships can consequently bring a financial advantage even to small and struggling companies such as these.
& ~4 C- {9 ^3 }( n2 a  D In return, its partner enjoys a broader distribution platform from which to promote its brand.
! l, ]% O$ _7 u& a9 l2 [# B$ B  E With only a finite number of consumers in any target market, there is no need to overwhelm prospects with competing messages from different organisations.: {" Z- _; B) M. b& Q5 u
  F These are fairly standard items, but clearly the company hopes to transform them by broadening the associations consumers have with the brand.
" s( {" F2 K6 {% |  G For example, Profit Plus, a large UK financial services company, has recently joined forces with a leading supplier of electricity.
6 r" f" [4 D; Q. a/ n  这篇文章名为《When two brands are better than one》,两个品牌强于一个,讲的是市场合作(marketing partnership)的好处。第一段总论这种合作的好处,可以共享数据、策略和交流系统。第二、三段接着说市场合作的优势,好的市场合作可以使品牌对准正确的目标人群,同时提高生产效率。第四段是列举实例来说明这种合作是怎样有利于双方的,第五段讲的是与一个贬值的品牌合作的后果。
) Y/ x: J1 ^( n$ f  第八题。第二段前面说市场合作提供了一种提高品牌知名度和销售的有成本效益的方法。然后一个专家指出市场合作可以使品牌对准目标人群,并削减线上支出。第八空的后面说使过程简化会比较好。整个这一段都是在讲市场合作的好处,从内容上看,E是最适合填入第八空的。但E选项的内容需要重点理解:任何一个目标市场上都只有有限的消费者,没有必要通过从不同的机构竞争信息的方式来赢得潜在客户。E的说法是从反面来证明市场合作的优势和必要性。prospects在这里是潜在客户的意思。/ P3 |( g7 K3 z) z; z! x0 ]8 r) j
  这题可以辅助以排除法来做。题目给定的几个选项,很多都有代词、短语等等,用在这里衔接不上。比如A的in such circumstances,B的therefore,C的such as these,D的in return,F的these。如果要选择这些选项,上下文一定会有相应的提示。
5 H8 H% W: B; `  第九题。前面介绍说市场合作比单个公司单打独斗的效率提高了27%。B选项无论是内容还是连词therefore都能用在这里:一些专家因此推测这种市场类型在很多公司总的市场预算中占据的比重将逐渐增加。不选A,因为前面并没有与the effects相关的内容。C不选,上文没有提到companies such as these,D的in return和F的these也不匹配。' }" ^( [, r7 ?' a* M; }+ R. s
  第十题。这一段是以两个公司的市场合作为例来做进一步说明的,一个手机生产商和一个女性杂志的合作。第十空前面说手机公司从杂志的强烈品牌中获益。这一空的后面有一个this combined approach,从内容上看,第十空应该说相应的杂志是如何从手机公司身上获益。D选项的内容完全吻合,词组in return可以算是一个答案信号:作为回报,它的合作者拥有了一个更宽广的分发平台,并从中提高了品牌的知名度。中华考试网(www.Examw。com)% ?% U4 }8 u/ ^
  第十一题。这一空前面是列举的另一个例子,一些知名的卡通形象正在加强Nasco家用清洁产品的形象。也就是说家用清洁产品公司正在和卡通公司合作。这一空的后面也是讲的这种策略有什么好处。所以这一空应该填入两个公司的合作的原因、好处等等。F的内容吻合:这些都是相当标准化的产品,但是很明显公司是想通过加大消费者和品牌之间的联系来进行一些改变。These are fairly standard items,说的是这些家用清洁产品。! e% B/ z% N% m5 c% a8 z& v
  第十二题。最后一段讲的是和一个贬值的品牌合作所带来的影响。前面说不可避免的会影响到(inevitably impact on the other),空格后面有一个may take many years to recover,所以应该选A,A的the effects正好对应于前面的impact:在这种情况下,这些影响通常很大并且会持续很久。' V  R9 c4 r8 y! {. G, u3 u
  最后强调下prospect, R" V: P* w' i+ ]- b) m
+ j3 U; j6 ^; o: x+ x& u* Y  a person, company, etc. who is a possible customer6 d2 ^2 l7 ?8 W+ a& @; @$ m
  e.g:We follow up the most likely prospects first.

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