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[BEC真题] 历年BEC商务英语中级考试真题(43)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:16:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Meetings That Work  * M! A% o2 S+ t) X$ E1 O
  0 A vital skill for anyone running a business it is the ability to communicate  
  c* `3 Z3 h  d, k" U7 {$ _  00 effectively. This is particularly important in a meeting where complex arguments  : F& O: U( L6 K7 n) g$ X/ J4 c
  34 need to be put forward and where it is too vital to get the best out of the situation  : c! A+ O: a; }3 x( l
  35 and those present in as little time as possible. Before calling a meeting, ask  $ j/ N5 J* U4 q! D
  36 yourself if you actually need one, since so many are unproductive results and do  www.examw.com
1 T  u" r3 z8 s: e2 E2 |  37 not really need to take place. Sending an email or by using another means of  6 v+ H6 Y4 R3 t: i/ C" J9 A; K7 K8 N
  38 communication, such as a simple phone call, might achieve the desired results in  
! D# a; q* i; S2 b$ j, M5 \  39 half the time. Having established the need for a meeting, so inform those you  
9 _: V4 U0 r- G. m  40 wish to attend and ask people to be punctual. Concerning the key to a good  
! \; E; a+ s) A0 ^8 N4 y; s6 ~  41 meeting is an agenda, which needs to be sent out in advance and should state the  
/ f  |1 M  _  W1 _8 O" e  42 date, time and location. It should also contain the names of those ones who will  
$ J, g% F0 o* w% V6 P) U* T7 c. _  43 be present and setthat out, starting with the most important, the points for  
' }5 s' m, L, U. \* `# L( O8 Z  44 discussion. Ask in advance for suggestions for items to be discussed about but  
. V' V$ f+ ~4 M$ j3 c; ^  45 set a deadline for submissions in order to reduce the amount of time that has to be spent under ’Any Other Business’.  
0 a1 H# p+ I# Y- C  《Meetings that work》,起作用的会议。文章讲的是开好一个会议应该注意哪些问题。  % @# c9 H& m7 \2 t5 Z1 q
  34题,it is vital to do sth.,做什么事情是至关重要的。too…to结构表示太而不能。从上下文和词组的用法来看,too是多余的。 / W2 p2 A( c( E/ T; B% }
  i9 ^% k' Q/ m  [: ?2 [  36题,since so many are unproductive,是说的很多会议都没有效果。主谓宾很齐全,unproductive做形容词就可以修饰前面的meeting,results是多余的。  : _& N% z0 X  U! ^2 b
  37题,完整的句子应该是Sending an email or(by)using another means of communication might achieve the desired results in half the time。介词by是多余的。有by,不仅后面的主语不对,也没有与前面的sending保持一致。 : n. v" E$ H) K( b- O
  38题,正确的 . g4 W' U0 t2 {
/ l0 I# p1 z- T  40题,(Concerning)the key to a good meeting is an agenda,主谓宾是齐全的,the key to a meeting是主语,is是谓语,an agenda是宾语,意思就是日程表是会议的关键。Concerning是多余的。 - x+ f$ W+ y% {; w) s
3 W. N. u: r) ?# K4 [8 c  r% P) B  42题,those who固定的搭配,指代哪些人,ones是多余的  
2 F' p! p0 j3 j  43题,去掉插入成分starting with the most important,完整的句子是set(that)out the points for discussion。set out是词组,在这里是陈述、阐明的意思:present information or ideas in a well-ordered way in writing or speech.。所以that多余。  ) ]5 ~) ]" x3 L. l
  44题,discuss是及物动词,做讨论时直接用discuss,而不是discuss about。事实上,在discuss后面接about时的about一般都是做“大约的”意思讲,而不是一个完整的词组。所以此处about多余。  ' }0 v5 [) ^2 t3 V- X# T0 ]% r: ?! w

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