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[BEC真题] 历年BEC商务英语中级考试真题(58)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:16:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 Get better at keyboarding  
) K! I0 B  R4 h  0 There is a simple way to work more efficiently: improve your keyboard  : a" t( u1 g* R* v" B; K
  00 skills by learning to touch keyboard them. If you are one of the vast majority  
6 M& x3 Q. l6 ^  34 of some people who keyboard with two or four fingers, you may believe that  / i$ p. D5 R& ^) y% m& S( g
  35 you are reasonably efficient. But the average person seldom achieves more  8 l, h, }  ~  k4 Y3 Y- w
  36 than twelve words by a minute when using this method, while touch keyboarding  + r. b7 N* T+ ?* Y9 B
  37 can achieve up to 120 words, if enabling you to work almost as quickly  4 t/ E2 `9 Q$ i$ W  y# I5 M5 `
  38 as you can think. Whatever position you hold in your company, you are  % e/ x% a9 t' ?% R9 ~  v
  39 probably given responsible for answering emails or generating documents, and it  
3 U5 h) Z  y+ d# o& r8 ^) ~  40 is quite likely that you spend too much time doing this. Stop and consider how  " s/ P) H2 \% W$ T% q* O' d+ O, t3 `; E
  41 far much more you could do in a day as a result of touch keyboarding. You would  
/ p0 l6 z# o. j, j: |0 L  42 be able to create such a document faster than you can write and as  中华考试网(www.Examw。com)( {. k! e3 g7 I
  43 quickly as you can think and free up time to be more than creative. Moreover,  + C+ O. f+ r' P) J3 T2 x, g
  44 you would save up the cost of a full-time secretary, and no longer have to  
8 B5 ]2 L+ J: n2 g) Z  M  45 wait for your documents to be created and either then have to return them for correction.  . T/ B6 F2 \# G- d0 [
  《Get better at keyboarding》,keyboarding是键盘输入的意思。文章是在讲怎么提高键盘输入的效率。  
2 n/ L+ x7 R8 `4 j# ?# T4 }- [9 t  34题,the vast majority of people,一大部分人,some插进来是多余的,意思重复 % g. L! J& m2 t1 W
  35题,正确的 7 l, c5 o% R& m
  36题,一分钟十二个字,正确的表述是twelve words a minute,介词by是多余的   {6 Q  M" y, P3 A1 h
7 E0 G3 v; U. d( E$ c, s  38题,正确的
) F# }* O% _/ }% _  39题,be responsible for固定搭配,如果要用given,后面得用responsibility。去掉given
( O$ {: T7 l) {5 Q$ k- [+ J  40题,正确的
8 `$ r: U; T9 _. P  41题,consider how much more you could do in a day,考虑你一天可以多干多少事。How far是形容有多远,在这里意思不对,用法也不对。 5 o4 y0 _, [, r6 V
  42题,create a document,创造一个文档,整个句子的意思是创造一个文档的速度比你自己写还要快。没有特殊指代某一个文档的意思,去掉such。
) D2 T5 a1 B  P0 z  43题,more creative,更有创造性了,more than是不仅仅是的意思,后面一般接名词而不是形容词,所以去掉than。
1 q5 Z" ~$ `; q. I2 G, R- y  @  44题,save在这里表示节省成本的意思,及物动词,不用up
$ _- b7 |: J- }1 Q0 ]  45题,either一般是用在句末,而且这里没有表示“也。。。”的意思,有then就够了。所以去掉either。

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