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[BEC模拟题] 2011年商务英语高级考试考前冲刺模拟练习(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:26:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 u& X. o7 h) C4 ]7 z* bSection A0 u3 ]4 R# S4 _* x# c
Questions 36-409 ?9 D6 }# S, S# C- [
.Read this text
0 h9 B' S, m. G' V9 |( {.In most of lines(36-40) there is one extra word which does not fit in. One or two lines, however, are correct.
  o9 b4 \, h  A- z/ ~# I2 R.If the line is correct, put a tick(√)in the space on your Answer Sheet.
- x! L7 O% I1 m; r5 @8 @.If there is an extra word in the line, write that word in the space on your Answer Sheet.
  Z( m: [- ?. X7 RExample:2 V* ]9 |/ q4 M* T9 K
Most of the world's business in marine insurance is centred ....√....
* Y" w) ]  T% e( A3 ^! p! q; y2 R9 Sin London though whatever there one other important markets ....whatever....% @2 {2 C' ]0 `4 x* @2 W
2 y8 h% }7 z( g$ c: x  EPh.d. or equivalent in economics. In addition to the degree, applicants
# W# n3 s7 p4 p' w36. beyond entry level must have to have post Ph.D. experience that
) |" @9 w% w$ z37. demonstrates strong applied economics background and analytical; T" z! z! u% s! A) i# ?- ~  c7 K
38. skill for solving problems solutions; research competence in the area of" K/ t' O# i* @: q
39. resources, microeconomic development. Applicants must be able articulate.
* |. a; K$ M5 m  P4 N0 |7 U2 K40. have strong writing abilities, have ability to communicate well and that work successfully in a multinational research setting.
/ O1 w4 |" S0 Y% h) mSection B
7 n* \" C) c, F+ K/ n) z. HQuestions 41-45! ~9 n8 v3 E! z' x  g8 w6 G! L
. A Swiss student has written a piece of description of a new watch.
" W+ e) g- L' d, g. In each line there is one wrong word.8 I# m" F2 _  I$ b' Z; _
. For each numbered line(41-45 ) write the correct word in the space on your Answer Sheet.( F  |2 `( c; b
Example :
6 P7 i9 X7 Y9 H0 A( @; f' o+ |4 L- VYour watch will be a masterpiece ,reflected your value. . . . reflecting. . . . .
/ h- @; P7 |3 }* s6 OFor more than a century any a half, Patek Phillippe has been known1 X! l0 b4 v, H. a
41. as the finest watch in the world. The reason is simple that this
% `2 \" G4 Y* J# \# ^42. Watch is made differently. It is made by using technologies that% |5 ~% B- ?1 N9 F- y  P# a
43. other have lost or forgotten. If a particularly patek phillippe
) U, y9 U5 d2 G' z9 w8 `' M44. movement needs four years of continuous work to bring to perfect,7 C" p9 k8 n8 T; E
45. we will teke four years The result will be a watch that is unlikely any other watches you have ever seen.
, W# _6 D+ V+ M5 C参考答案:
0 k! J) ?+ e; b1 x7 m! N36. must是多余,应删掉.$ J2 m( B; r  m
37. 没有多余的词.
- i% V/ R; Q7 O) a# l" C6 N8 f38. solutions是多余,应删掉.
% w1 C2 W2 [  C. I) a- `39. able是多余,应删掉." c% c4 k! A7 f, B! D% J
40. that是多余,应删掉.4 p! G' d3 a2 A' D) u
41. simple后面加冒号,去掉that" E1 i$ F1 H' d4 D
42. technology应改为techniques
0 f9 H: r. l8 ?& j  s. A- t  n4 i43. particularly应改为particular; x# x: U; X1 `% l* ~* b
44. perfect应改为perfection( F% \# c5 A" `9 e
45. unlikely 应改为unlike

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