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[BEC模拟题] 2011年商务英语高级考试考前冲刺模拟练习(8)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:26:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
& n, h: B: M8 m, BQuestions 13-22
3 Y8 |! H- D. ~" \Section One2 j& e* o8 }, }/ H
Questions 13-17
* g2 J+ j. w* k5 T6 Z7 R8 M. You will hear five short pieces.0 |! A- [! M) w2 q; x6 p5 ?
. For each piece decide who is talking.
4 p9 h  i  `1 X! e$ T. Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the piece.. }7 @& t1 s5 d$ `
. You will hear the five pieces twice.' K; s: y1 [' }+ N7 r
13______________________________________# x& U) ~! E. [
14______________________________________2 _$ g- u3 \1 k( J5 D( U
- U4 M' o5 c9 _( q* T16______________________________________5 C5 T$ I* D) s# k, }" V
17______________________________________6 V6 o4 \! P# n( ?. M$ |' `9 @
A a dentist
; ?/ x8 M8 v& ^B a customer8 Y; q' Y6 ^/ E' b# O0 I$ t: _5 q
C a policeman/ T( |' k' \) c( Q) {
D a mechanic7 U  w6 ]7 _) \! x- r0 r! v/ l
E a salesman
, j4 S% F) s8 V$ g6 A/ l8 X/ S2 LF a plumber) [# x8 e. |# e
G a doctor2 s% v# C  e* {$ ~! w
H a manager3 ^4 u! u- d; K! q1 M
Section Two( M3 t; E% @/ |0 C
Questions 18-22
3 d* z, ?0 w& p0 f# r. You will hear another five short pieces.2 ?1 P2 g% ^: Y  k
. For each piece decide where the speaker is.
. ?- Y6 Y  l2 ~6 T* p! Q6 q( j. Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the piece.
6 [$ b$ Q3 K. q" x. You will hear the five pieces twice.
  N9 C# H! T' C: p$ a3 y/ M18______________________________________. c) r5 N; _2 ?/ ?; q
19______________________________________1 V9 G, O$ j3 O# J2 v) z4 v
20______________________________________4 q7 M5 H- ^, x( c- i8 s6 F
7 V. ~# }5 \( q2 L' C4 r3 g# i* E22______________________________________% y2 q/ w. V) k- s  `7 E+ C+ Q  [* }
5 d% C8 ?$ `# y) a$ Z! R. OA at the dentist's% z7 ?( A1 D( v6 s  m
B at the drugstore
: F) _# v" K- sC at the grocery store
' |; K2 _9 j9 u( WD at the oil station
0 q& m: W6 l" ?  U4 H3 v: m! yE at the parking lot; a% m) p% y& l* Z7 G9 h; ~9 }5 l7 n
F at the restaurant
  p  p5 A0 F& o& @G at the pub( F. Z5 e, ]% X$ @! Z, j: C/ y* u- X0 f
H at the supermarket) C5 E  F# M6 g. O: J1 V6 Q" L
参考答案:! p$ o1 {8 v8 A' G6 j* P
13. B 14. A 15. D! V7 R: f9 g# R$ D4 L* {2 T+ n
16. G 17. E 18. D9 e# V) L- y, s- G# \
19. B 20. C 21. F) O/ k. m9 L; j5 t
22. H 23. B 24. A

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