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[BEC模拟题] 2011年商务英语高级考试考前冲刺模拟练习(7)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:26:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
4 D( g) q$ J* D0 J  d. HPART ONE
+ F8 _5 B* f2 e: N, ?Questions 1-125 V0 L! e. T, c7 E' c+ Y
. You will hear three telephone conversations.- m9 u; [" Y' j; @/ {* B
. Write down one word or number in the numbered spaces on the forms below.
( ^7 s+ ~, x3 [% q. t2 ~! rMessage One ,questions 1-4
4 a( l7 l$ d+ x! M$ H1 `Order Ticket
2 m) _5 Y! `1 Z+ z1 Q# h! v3 D; P9:30 a. m. 20th June D. Golden
8 k# [- L! I& ^' ]Information of Customer :: H. U2 M  v2 [) n
Name : Mary Thomson from INA Industries
1 R1 L, |6 x4 R2 B, `Address : ____(1)____ Rose Street1 b# v" ^% {2 Y" U
Contact No. : ____(2)____
% u: n. X6 q& E- j- [Information of Computers :7 z6 M- p3 G  z8 E3 L8 p
Type : 486 models.____(3)____ cache on hard drive/ f' `! W: g2 Y, _# t
Quantity : ____ (4)____.4 E8 J% z+ J' ]  s  g9 z
Delivery Date : Friday morning 23rd June
! b; P0 ?9 @7 Y( T, R; x* H: ]8 _9 nMessage Two , questions 5- 8
0 ~3 l  P8 u1 N" T- |' @8 B/ ZReservation Card
4 S  D% x* H3 q; d- K9 ]& t: _To : Dr. Goodman From : Linda
, J! [9 Q+ P  t7 E0 D0 fDate : 18th April Time : 2 : 30 p. m.
& U$ Q7 Z1 p/ _8 Q6 i, w! GInformation of patients3 c0 d9 R/ F7 i: L8 \/ M, s  ]
Name : David. ____(5 ) ____7 C6 k% u$ c0 G, [) @( l- s
Symptom : something wrong with the.___ (6)____
2 c% x: h1 d# Q' k# X( b/ c" S! G& kDate of meeting : 20th , ____ (7)____$ S$ e7 U8 V6 S. S% ?: c
Time for meeting : ____(8)____-
: H. d3 z% I1 \9 hMessage Three. Questions 9-12
! E: `8 `) ~2 [Bicycle Renting Registration
& r# z; l- S7 i2 [& ]- oDate : 7th July$ O4 R: d% Z4 j+ O3 L
Time: 12 : 30, u6 a2 x5 L$ H4 ~  y
Bicycle Type :____ (9 )____bikes
6 e  w% Y# q, ~0 e- L! hNo. of Bicycles : 2
0 y' j' l7 p$ Z9 B9 ^) U6 TPeriod of Hiring : ____ (10) ____ days+ ^- N! V' I) y: \
Hirer's Name :____(11)_____
8 ]6 g4 y; M% U$ \9 O) v& J/ zContact No : 0708112-ex. Room.___(12) __! z8 u5 V) Y7 b" K( v
9 S& Q; A# }; Q6 ?: j$ j  _9 k1. NO 21 2. 72188155 3. 256KB$ ]" Z2 ]9 t; ?
4. 3 5. Parker 6. heart
/ Q5 x6 B5 `) ]5 ?& ]/ H7. April 8. 9:30am 9. motorized
0 [% x2 v3 s+ c. S. D, `: [10. 2 11 . Green . 12. 1203

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