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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(126)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 d6 \  W, d! ]% A9 h8 q% d  1.Agreement established 达成共识" P' n( U1 x! z% b$ t, \
  A: An agreement has been established after tough negotiation.
( K3 F; L0 L) J( i  D$ c  B: You did a great job!
. r. Y: i  l0 [' F1 V! a9 X  A:经过艰难的谈判后,终于达成共识了。
; E' \/ D, _. U  B:干得好!
) P* J, d& w) n# r  2.Both parties 双方7 d5 F! n) L1 w8 B- w
  A: Both parties have arrived at an agreement.
4 n: P) y* H5 B" @; V  B: Great! Let's celebrate!
+ [& }8 E& `" m$ d8 j  A:双方已经达成了协议。) v0 `6 ~) {  g
  B:太好了!应该庆祝一下! 7 ]7 }( n* W# j
  3.Go through 浏览. x' \, Y) U% O6 R
  A: Did you go through the whole report?( i: y: p' \& K- H- f
  B: I did, but I don't fully agree with the report.5 {7 H8 ]" X( F, W' p" l5 s/ M: J
  A:你看了整个报告吗?  Q8 E7 [/ G) H. [; P" T% J: ]3 `
8 ?4 G$ ^( F3 ^1 d, }/ t  4.Certification 认证
7 O8 ~& _1 _0 V  A: Did the customer provide the certification on our testing equipment?
+ J  j' Q. H6 a  B: They did for part of the equipment.
7 p+ m6 E8 n/ w7 n$ B  A:客户为我们的实验设备提供认证了吗?8 Y; M9 s" W& B% \) K
  B:他们只提供了一部分设备的认证。) F) o5 e6 s- n( \3 ^4 }
  5.On the same page (对事情)有共同的了解程度
3 o- ~/ N3 C% r) e, J  A: Before we start the discussion, why don't you give us a brief of what happened yesterday to bring us on the same page?9 L3 W* m' t1 L1 w* {
  B: Sure.
5 C4 `: \4 s8 N  A:在开始讨论之前,你何不向我们通报一下昨天发生的事情,好让我们都了解情况呢?
, T7 T, g" l3 U' ?  B:好的。

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