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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(132)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
办公室行为及情感表达——和客户打高尔夫球8 d2 l. `7 D* L5 C
  1.Driving range 高尔夫球练习场
2 d( u, u+ k9 U; m: r+ i4 o' P  A: Does Changchun have a golf course?% ]  A/ m! i/ h) x! a3 W& p  [
  B: No. It has a driving range at the Moon Lake Park.
9 W" |6 P% ?3 T' s5 B  A:长春有高尔夫球场吗?( b1 U. u( l# e4 v4 \
9 S( e) w6 X/ M) \  2.Golf glove 高尔夫手套
# e4 }. j: [. b0 [. V# L9 N. r  A: You like a pro.! Y% B7 m! L, N" a; y
  B: Why?
  w: F/ f" n8 u9 B  A: You wear the golf glove.
3 i) |! y5 V/ P* Z) t. C  B: I don't think I'm any better than you.
5 |7 u0 H6 B, z3 k  A:看来你是个高手。
$ Z. U9 Q3 \- O/ m; I% Z  B:为什么?" o" H1 R! S& M
& X! S' y2 T2 p3 K0 [4 V' h  B:可我并不觉得我打得比你好。
8 I* k8 k6 S" _0 R0 z5 W  3.Green 高尔夫球场,尤指球洞附近
) Y- o  i7 v/ c% }  e6 Z0 o  A: You are pretty good, getting on the green with one single swing.
2 h+ P8 Y4 A0 C# Q) z  B: It was purely luck.
) ^% I' f6 v5 z" c  A:你打得真好,只打一杆就离球洞不远了。% b* |% o1 R7 s9 w: A# Z
  B:纯粹是运气。8 n$ B: g! C9 \. ~* ^
  4.Slice 球打偏了3 W$ f& d/ \1 p0 i  \0 F' c
  A: I always do slice.. K6 w+ Z( Q  o% P) q  X
  B: Let me show you how to get it straight.
8 P4 S0 y% ?; o& _# r; b: \! h8 w2 l  A:我总是打偏。
8 k# g2 x; R( x2 ]. V  B:来,我教教你怎样才能打得直。' O+ f' v0 h( y
  5.Tee off 开始打球
9 |0 b; O  b/ N: X* I) X  A: When are we going to tee off?7 M# x$ H, j1 B
  B: One o'clock sharp.8 e  [/ ?& f' X( D
  A:我们什么时候开始打?' F- }; I7 `0 K2 C  z1 x$ j: V4 n# _

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