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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(138)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
公共关系——工业展览(2)3 Q- H, X' q5 m% c! N6 G3 b/ Y
  1.Introduction of the products 产品介绍
* C9 R8 V. l6 U4 A6 `& Z  A: Who will do the introduction of the products?
& K# j9 r5 t( v: \; E* ^- |$ c  B: I will.
. y% B" o7 o# c: }' P" g9 X7 P  A:谁来做产品的介绍?$ A1 m3 g) ~8 {
# E# V8 k, Y) h6 e) u1 X! {; j  2.Lottery drawing 抽奖2 y" l: Z! x3 m: g6 q) q
  A: Every attendees of the product promotion conference will enter a lottery automatically.
8 r( N/ z2 L* U  ~4 ?, Q' I  i  B: What is the first prize?
+ U7 ]; J% [  d. \! ~& J4 U, d& \9 m  A: A new car!
* R( j# Y9 m3 X9 M* w7 A' D  A:每个参加本次推介会的来宾都会自动有次抽奖机会。
! w& [6 v" _$ {7 N3 i  B:头等奖是什么。5 y5 t" X" s6 ]! P+ O/ e' e
  A:一辆新车!: _+ u0 s* g) r" b
  3.New features 新特点
1 n  R7 \5 K. t  f( F- x  A: What are the new features of your product?
% @/ d# J) J- l  y, Z  B: It is an energy efficient, environmentally friendly product.
3 u% m1 M- K, `# i1 S  A:你们的产品有什么新特点吗?! c$ X  [. ^" N% w! M
# J! O* T( y' f9 A5 ~+ J  b  4.Rehearsal 彩排" Z( S! A( e, G) [9 b, w- l
  A: How do you like the rehearsal?
2 x8 q- _2 T' |( B  B: It was good. I think we are ready to take the stage.7 |# l$ U0 B$ X  |2 U) P  Q5 J
/ y; @- O+ H, \9 a6 F$ Z1 M  B:挺好的,我想我们已经进入状态了。2 q6 @! y* `0 f; D' @
  5.Test drive 试驾
6 i8 h, v: l! F! y) x- Q  A: I would like to have a test drive.
, F% x3 a, @! x( J" H# D* L4 v" f6 J  B: No problem.: J8 s6 V& Y0 a2 e# N; y
7 m/ d/ R1 Q; c% x4 ?; y  B:没问题。

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