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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语考试:口语辅导讲议(1)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Lesson One
) t. u* H9 |0 b0 _Formal Verbal Communication in Business I9 ^% w* J# a8 |6 a
正式商业交流 (1)– 研讨会3 p' `% @$ t! ]! r
  Part I Objectives
- w$ D5 |- S# m  ☆ Procedures of Seminars Leading and Commonly Used Sentence Structures
# _, a8 h. g$ C: P2 x. h8 ~( k    研讨会各个程序及常用句型
" B( {% v; _+ M. U  ☆ Questioning Techniques
# I' U4 l, Q$ e8 Z2 k7 \    提问技巧2 e3 q) Y- J0 o' f6 l+ b+ @; g8 v- s
  ☆ A Leader and A Good Listener, At the Same Time2 R/ M* S# G& S
- ~1 }6 w2 W5 N8 _) C8 j6 g3 I  ☆ Giving Criticism7 v( q! Q. g2 G  I( e
# l5 I; h0 S6 l, U  Part II The How-Tos
) r1 j  K. @2 m  ?7 f9 i  Leading Seminars/ Questioning Techniques
! g7 A2 t$ m1 I$ e+ A7 |/ c  ☆ General procedures of a seminar/lecture+ p7 Z- P4 D9 `- f' v1 M# r
  1) Self-introduction" t( k* }/ C4 m3 W  n: P3 ~7 S
  2) Introduction of Topic
* {, E# n! X5 R1 r& ?" t. ?  3) Describing sequences and timing
' i$ o' _2 G, P" |# R" ]) E  4) Highlighting information
( H9 H2 j# J0 C, X& T1 I& r4 o  5) Involving the audience( m( S, o( j  T6 p' p4 u
  6) Giving instructions
: r5 `- a( x4 w( n2 Y7 U1 r  7) Checking understanding% ]& m/ R" f, L# N5 _' ?
  8) Asking questions+ v5 f5 Y. {; K1 s8 F
  9) Clarifying questions
. z8 W5 i/ Y- O  e  10) Evading questions* _2 E5 n! }% X. S8 u
  11) Inviting comments
9 w1 J5 E( c& d6 m  12) Interrupting3 \! e! L: {% I7 T- f3 _  K
  13) Transitions
- J6 A1 a. k4 a; ^- ?  14) Reformulations
5 Y; f0 Y2 d) h" P, ?; r1 F  15) Closing
" x& w9 ]* s# v2 `  t! \; v  ☆ Language Reference
. t0 i  e2 C: W9 i  Self-introduction 自我介绍
  _/ P/ z) ]0 n% U8 [+ u# z# R, q! e  Good morning, I'm ---- and I've been invited to give this talk/ presentation / lecture because---3 i1 I) E+ S/ m, v
  I have done research in / I have a special interest in / my experience is in5 j1 O% S4 e: _3 Z6 _  Y
  Introduction of Topic 话题介绍% {* B$ u: ?6 E# g
  In my presentation/talk/lecture today I shall be dealing with---$ r1 C/ H  H& _1 X' o' k
  The subject of my ---- today is ----
$ S7 |) E$ E1 K% E1 k3 t  What I'd like to do today is introduce/suggest/ analyse/ describe / explain
; u7 s" d9 w9 Y/ D$ i  My topic/subject today is ---+ X4 Y& |4 Z5 {% c% T
  I shall be dealing with 2/3/4…. main areas/topics/subjects today7 i4 M" k/ d( b: V3 V6 x
  Describing Sequences and Timing 程序介绍与时间安排
- U  o3 b) @* `) p) d( ~( N, D  First I want to /spend a few minutes outlining ---/remind you of the background to/summarise the ----/explain---/ present---
" U8 g8 G6 n' n  Next I shall---/after that I will take the opportunity of describing---/( ?, c+ a+ B+ z% X# x
  Then we'll look at---
" o: b; T/ m3 o- x  Finally I want to---) @' a! O, y' E8 i5 n4 \
  Highlighting Information 重点介绍
3 X$ v7 q" s, Z. ^7 x! K( P" h  (Rhetorical questions)
, ~+ R/ Z# m0 o  So, what does that mean?/How can we interpret this?/What's the explanation for this?/What are the implications of these findings?9 h3 U7 \& ~7 ?) E/ }" y# R2 @/ |
  (Change of focus), y2 |8 y# h, t2 v5 ]
  What that tells us is/What I'm suggesting is/What is clear is that# i# Y! P3 g& S8 z  e/ y
  (Introducing auxiliary verb)2 L1 R$ `: K3 I6 l' a0 m- ?! P. ]
  So clearly we do need to--/Obviously they did understand that---/ Of course you do wan to know why---3 k  A' c1 K3 ^+ Y
  Involving the Audience 听者的参与
$ C5 E% @; ^" _) J" Y# M  Let's have a show of hands, how many of you agree with ----
6 }# @! p7 ]0 }. `2 C, P6 f6 H5 w) x' X  I'm sure we all know what it's like to---
5 F; ^0 d! {* U: c7 P5 V, }  Let me ask you spend a couple of seconds thinking about---5 u. z& z: T6 S; ?: z- F) @
  Well, what would you do, I wonder---0 K6 }$ A4 ?/ W5 r+ ~
  Just look around the room and take a note of /how many men are wearing a tie---/how many people are wearing jeans---/the average age of the participants% ?! j- d" z) \& M  ?
  Giving Instructions 给予指示
! Y: k1 ~( W- H' ^6 K  For this exercise, we are going to work in pairs: groups of 3/4/5- A. J$ X( P+ ~- V, F! O- Q2 E
  Make a note of these words/figures( K' _$ Q0 Y. o( o/ T
  Read the paragraph on page ---" Y, C/ T6 V7 a( A6 _+ R( {3 M  p
  Please note that I shall be timing the exercise and you have exactly 7 minutes
* M6 Y- N. A9 K- o, @6 N; S4 _  Now complete the questionnaire and put your name in the top left-hand corner- [9 J' L0 n; U: m. o0 S) Z2 c8 @
  Checking Understanding 随时观察听者反映- M6 U$ z! l& x9 x% D
  Is everyone with me so far?
0 C1 d! Z" T; Z& S) D3 }" R  Are there any questions at this stage?" F, N, W/ R: f$ i8 U  O& A
  Would anyone like me to run through that again?
. ?8 _+ t) r7 k( k6 N  If you have any problems with the detail, don't worry because all the information is in your handout

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