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[BEC高级] 商务英语(BEC)辅导:高级口语练习9

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.When money is in short supply,many businesses fail.2 d) q$ ^( \0 a
  银根吃紧时,许多企业会倒闭。6 {5 l, o/ s, m( c
  重点词语:supply n.供给,供应品 vt.供给,提供;代理
- X2 `% i4 O8 r# i  商务用语:supply advances 供给垫款9 C) b4 ]1 Y1 s6 r: n
  supply agent 供应代理商
/ p6 i, f6 E2 q+ D! y- |6 [0 \' \  supply and demand 供求6 Y- P. I& Q+ l( J9 [
  supply contract 供应合同  S/ x  Z/ X. v1 s- b6 Y
  2. Have the house surveyed before you offer to buy it.: d& _. l0 S- x5 }$ N
  在你出价买房之前,先找人鉴定一下。. b& M7 c' `" I9 L3 R7 z' o
  重点词语:survey n.调查,视察 vt.调查(收入,民意等)
9 b9 i# P3 p2 }+ [+ Y  商务用语:survey agent 检验代理人" r. b& P. h9 @- N# ~
  survey clause 检验条款
" H) T, @+ e7 ?- Z8 d& P# F2 f  survey of income and expenditure 收支调查" M7 n( \! g+ N  U
  3.These tactics are unlikely to help you.; N. J. W! y; d  V
  这种方法对你未必有用。1 U% [' Y: ?9 x) j5 f
  重点词语:tactic n.策略 adj.按顺序的,排列的
5 }+ G/ Y: i, T  F: w* ^8 K0 R  商务用语:a delaying tactic 拖延战术+ D& t' _3 m8 u3 l+ a! @- [
  tactic form 结构形式4 x+ u+ b' s+ _# A1 I3 U
  use surprise tactics 采取出人意料的做法
6 \7 o7 W. x2 h2 Y' t  4.He is well tailored.8 V( `$ g) i, P/ c/ k1 N" A
1 c1 I3 |9 Y" v# R; {7 ~6 Y8 _' W  重点词语:tailor v.制做,特制产品 n.裁缝
( z4 _  r4 z$ p  商务用语:tailor made product 特制产品
( u1 E, x+ M+ b6 W$ U0 @  tailored for a special purpose 适应特殊目的
0 g3 n% w, z2 u9 ?1 [0 q3 O  merchant tailor 兼售衣料的裁缝
+ Z- L4 b+ t9 _4 J$ I  5.Steel production was targeted for 60,000 tons last year.
; d6 T1 N9 S0 y% L  w" K5 Y9 W/ P  去年,钢产量指标定为6万吨。7 O, B. y2 ^* k6 B
  重点词语:target n.目标,对象 v.把…作为目标- v( Y6 }+ Q" y! b; W3 @, I/ P! L+ P* q6 K
  商务用语:a target market 目标市场
, d! y* _% a+ P% C3 n* M6 _% M  financial target 财务指标; U$ w. v$ g* [8 D0 o
  target cost 目标成本
6 p+ ]( q$ S' d( R0 r; z/ s  production target 生产指标

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