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[BEC高级] 商务英语(BEC)辅导:高级口语练习10

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. There is a very high tariff on jewelry./ w, t" `, M1 S! a" e3 s
  珠宝的税率很高。. G  _" m. [3 N" r4 S
  重点词语:tariff n.关税,(旅馆,饭店等的)价目表 vt.课以关税" {& O0 {8 Z+ A/ [  d" N
  商务用语:tariff amendment 运价表订正单
2 B0 V# ]- ]' W' a7 ]" Y  reciprocal tariff 互惠税率http://
; Y/ h* f9 n& o7 h. M. D6 l  tariff bargaining 关税协商
9 Y& n' c) U# i3 z  tariff for the transit of goods 过境商品运价9 a0 A  _) }, W9 ]% G
  2.Now people have enough money to taste a rich variety of foods.+ _: M# W2 l! G2 ]( i5 N
) v, ~) `) T; v1 M( o, ?$ P( G  重点词语:taste v.品尝,有…味道 vt.体验,感到 n.味道,爱好+ c" @, k) ^% \' |1 l# y. S
  商务用语:a taste of success 体验成功的喜悦
' X+ L% v$ ^) c  taste of 有…味道,体验,感到, I, K3 l) a) ]2 n2 r& W1 O
  3.These two shopkeepers are in prison for tax evasion.
6 E) H! d) |2 l1 ~% ~6 A  这两个店主因逃税而坐牢。
0 _! q: W. |1 q  重点词语:tax n.税,税款,税金 vt.对…征税
; S1 k8 C8 j7 A+ s  商务用语:free of tax 免税
: U3 F% R4 T" A: \  A5 u/ E  income tax 所得税:网6 N4 j7 x' U; d, h/ }
  tax allowance 免减税
1 i4 q2 R2 s$ h9 \, S2 n' M- e  value added tax 增值税
, H4 ]& m; s% h( q; b( Y  4.We are all temporaries like him.+ B; x  S* J1 V# Y. \5 k* z
4 m6 `$ P) C$ o  重点词语:temporary adj.暂时的,临时的 n.临时工6 n; f" h5 x# E; ]- ^) M
  商务用语:temporary post 临时职位( D; A4 y* B) H% G+ B4 |3 Q
  temporary budget 假预算,临时预算# ]  A; v( S# h& B
  5.The government is going to invite tenders for a new bridge.
" H1 l; T' {: N  政府准备为新桥工程招标。
. S: X" u  V6 M0 k  重点词语:tender v. 投标 adj.软弱的 n.标书,投标1 s4 }( G0 g; A  U
  商务用语:tender for 投标:网" `- t1 V! I; Q
  tender bidding 投标买卖: F, e; l( w# i, |
  tender money in payment of a debt 付款还债

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