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[BEC高级] 2011商务英语高级口语:如何约定谈判对象

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一. 找到最合适的负责人9 H* a- C/ i* N8 u& g
1. Excuse me, whom am i speaking to?6 B8 I$ v, m, o1 }
2. Excuse me, Is this Novel Company in Huston, Texas.
6 w% p7 S! _2 d3. Excuse me, Is this 713-555-9999.
- N% P% F+ ^" ^! F+ _3 w( F& `4. It seems i got wrong number. Sorry to have bothered you.; o3 e: E, r+ n% y: R2 y
5. I was trying to reach another party, sorry.
8 z; d0 P1 G5 j$ O) R- F二. 表达会面的意愿
9 ~6 I) B2 e+ X( d$ S1. It's imperative for us to meet as soon as possible. It can not be put off any longer.
% @3 E7 W* {& [9 I8 b. d' T2. There is a matter of great importance. It can only be solved by a direct meeting. When is the earliest time we can meet?
+ I7 x$ h- d' y% \+ \( r3. I believe it is best to have a face-to-face meeting as soon as possible. When are you available? Please suggest a date of your convenience.! A' f0 w. T, }  g' F7 Y. M
4. This matter can not be dragged on. I am willing to fly to see you just to resolve this issue. How about the end of this week. If you can not make it, please recommend some other dates.  C# g6 Q4 e& R
三. 约定时间
) j: @$ k5 a# ]' @$ U! q- w. B1. My preference would be May 1st or 2nd.
3 r1 U: o$ w4 b) o2. Could you make it May 1st or 2nd?
4 w( n  J' `$ H3. Can you suggest an alternative?
% f$ j7 {+ g/ w* K0 G" z8 U) h4. As an alternative, i wish to propose May 3rd.

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