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[BEC高级] 最常用的高级商务口语8

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
171 That's international practice. We can't break it.               这是国际惯例,我们不能违背。8 F, q1 U( b7 v" N! J" j3 I: S
# c$ l* W0 X- q  H. [
172 We are prepared to reconsider amending the contract.        我们可以重新考虑修改合同。
  N$ P, v, Z) w& Q- N1 P7 z& m
9 u& V, d9 }) R, ~8 {" j: G" ?173 We'll have to discuss about the total contract price.            我们不得不讨论一下合同的总价格问题。2 K: v7 g5 i$ ^! R9 R( W
. x* e5 K, W2 g" T3 S! r0 z' k
174 Do you think the method of payment is OK for you?            你们认为结算方式合适吗?
* k- N& X- h+ B8 x0 J. z$ `7 t2 U% C, V' g
175 We are really glad to see you so constructive in helping settle the problems as regards the signing of the contract.
* I; C1 R" R* _8 F. [+ F我们很高兴您在解决有关合同的问题上如此具有建设性。
. X9 ?4 {3 n- i3 I  X$ `% w$ G9 @1 t. p6 l8 a
176 Here are the two originals of the contract we prepared.    这是我们准备好的两份合同正本。/ ]+ K, C$ Z% @6 s' x: Q  U

' J% t7 a, M" q% r+ J177 Would you please read the draft contract and make your comments about the terms?
8 L, w$ q: ~; \请仔细阅读合同草案,并就合同各条款提出你的看法好吗?]1 o3 @+ a" o# g, ?) y; h( k& D1 x( B' g

: u! G8 J5 k9 a178 When will the contract be ready?                合同何时准备好?
) C7 N" A' \: f7 z: T1 \) y2 m+ J. Z# N  t9 c) U
179 Please sign a copy of our Sales Contract No.156 enclosed here in duplicate and return to us for our file.
2 p2 r, B9 S5 n* f1 J- c请会签第156号销售合同一式两份中的一份,将它寄回我方存档。, s5 E% ]$ i3 w7 r4 q' S
* p3 y* C1 y" N  q) {; b
180 The contract will be sent to you by air mail for your signature.   合同会航邮给你们签字。

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