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[BEC高级] 2011BEC商务英语高级口语对话:员工联谊会

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  A: thank you all for coming to our monthly staff correlation meeting. Today we have a lot of new things tro introduce to you all, there will be a lot of changes in company policy to accommodate better employee welfare.
5 {+ E4 c, g1 t7 A  [  _  B: employee welfare? What all does that include? + a/ W1 K: b9 b2 j. U
  A: in the past, our welfare program has consisted of benefits packages only, meaning partial health insurance coverage and retirement plan. But we hope to boost morale by increasing incentives and adding additional welfare considerations.
. ~% u6 G; Z( x4 i( L2 K, J& v  B: what kind of considerations are we talking about?
/ u. y1 y7 L, I  A: it is proposed that from now on, employees will be given 10 paid sick days, in addition to their 2 week vacation periods. They will also be encouraged to maintain propor physical health with a company sponsored aerobics class on Friday nights. We have also consulted with the human resource department and have hired a new liaison between management and employees. Let’s all welcome Ms. Michelle Cain to our team as our company’s ombudsman.
5 j# Z0 w) K3 @8 |9 x- m7 Y* X  B: our company now has n ombudsman?
. T7 n3 P: M3 H  A : yes,that’s right. From now on, whenever you have a question or concern regarding anything that happens during the work day, Ms. Cain will be your advocate. If you believe there is anything inappropriate or unfair in the management practices, the ombudsman will be the first person you seek. Her job is to have your best interest at heart. 2 l& W; [2 B' ~. ^7 n
- b0 n! \: L2 y% c2 g  员工的福利待遇?都包括哪些内容啊? ) P. E1 k5 I0 c: l7 o3 }
  在过去,我们富人福利规划只包括福利包,即部分的健康保险和退休计划.但现在我们希望通过增加措施以及额外的福利安排来提高大家的士气. . s& g4 G. \+ ]: Z" w( w
9 n: v: n/ X* l/ Z  有人提议:从现在起每个员工除2周的假期以外,再增加10天带薪的病假.也鼓励大家能参加公司每周五晚上举办的有氧健身课,从而保持良好的身体健康.我们也与人力资源部商量过,已经雇佣了一个新联络员来负责管理层和员工之间的沟通协调工作.让我们大家热烈欢迎米歇尔.该隐女士加入我们的队伍,成为我们公司的调查官. 3 ?, p5 h. T$ R( |. ^2 S8 s
  我们公司现在又调查官了? & J' e5 S. E8 }  T! V* p
  是的,你说的没错.从现在起,上班期间无论你们什么时候遇到什么问题或有什么疑问,该隐女士都会帮你们解决的.如果你们认为管理工作中有什么不合适或不公平的地方,调查官是你第一个可以寻求帮助的人.她会维持公正,平等,有序和高效的工作场所.她的工作就是心系你们大家的最大利益. # E, i3 A0 @3 w4 U7 p! E
  Correlation: a connection between two things in which one thing changes as the other does 相互关系;相关;关联 noun countable uncountable ~ (between A and B) ~ (of A with B)
, B, m8 b& h; R2 a  There is a direct correlation between exposure to sun and skin cancer. : ]: m! ]/ |% m( ^
  暴露在太阳下与皮肤癌直接相关。 ! S7 r6 M9 h& S/ B
  the correlation of social power with wealth 1 T1 `5 {: M6 H
  社会权力与财富的相关性 Morale: the amount of confidence and enthusiasm, etc. that a person or a group has at a particular time 士气 noun uncountable
  x% _$ j/ _7 M( V- H  to boost/raise/improve morale $ z! M: Y7 s( R' ^; B( P* I3 t
  鼓舞╱提高士气;增强信心 ; L) s0 F3 H: p( {; _
  Morale amongst the players is very high at the moment. ) I8 e! p: l& Z7 N$ {; T  j
  此刻选手们士气很高。 3 [6 ^9 ]' E( D5 y3 ~' C
  Staff are suffering from low morale.
; E7 |. H$ s+ h" U3 @+ `- Z  员工们士气低落。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:02 | 显示全部楼层


  Incentive: something that encourages you to do something 激励;刺激;鼓励 noun countable uncountable ~ (for/to sb/sth) (to do sth)
  R1 N- L  F% T, z6 ~. i3 `- Y+ B  tax incentives to encourage savings
5 @4 x5 m0 }% p" ?1 A4 Z2 J: I0 }  鼓励储蓄的税收措施
* V8 c" V+ A" ?8 p# ?/ _: W# ?  There is no incentive for people to save fuel.
5 ?7 m5 |* m4 d( m% y! Y& j" ~) ~  没有使人们节约燃料的鼓励办法。 / @+ T7 x0 F3 b' Y# p* z
  Consult: to discuss something with somebody to get their permission for something, or to help you make a decision (与某人)商议,商量(以得到许可或帮助决策) ~ (with) sb (about/on sth)
) G8 c7 z7 U* N' x( U( T  You shouldn’t have done it without consulting me. / }8 |0 U/ k$ D/ k; S7 Y
& h# E0 |/ @7 _0 e5 F- G  I expect to be consulted about major issues.
  [5 z8 D7 F( h7 L+ U$ w+ z" q  我认为重大问题必须找我商量。
: f3 H% M$ c( Y: G1 ^3 ?  I need to consult with my colleagues on the proposals.
0 k) b" H& Z' W- k* C1 H6 ~  我需要和我的同事商讨这些建议。
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