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[BEC高级] 2011BEC商务英语高级口语对话:产品线索

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  M: Here are the leads from last week's exhibit as a trade show. There are about forty or so that are hot. You should contact them immediately,in the next twenty-four hours if you can. The rest are categorized according to potential and interest.You can see we've got our hot stack, our warm stack, our lukewarms, and our cold but not dead stack.- K( a; O4 x% ?% F) X
  F: Haha... please don't tell me you've got a dead stack. I hate making cold calls...
8 k0 P2 ]) G3 T# x4 N) k  M: Don't worry, most of the leads on mildly interested, if not strongly interested. We've just got to make sure the Hot ones are contacted right away. And even the contacts that for what ever reason aren't prepared to make an order now, they might be interested in the future.Please be conscanciouss about getting a hold of everyone of these leads. We've spent a big chunk of marketing budget to find these people.I don't want our investment to go down the drain.
' b* ]2 Q6 u! g. J  N" \4 Z  F: Don't worry, I've gotchya covered.) a5 ?1 U/ F0 M! T3 S- C! M
  这是从上周的贸易展销会上得到的展品线索.有40个左右的人对我们的产品感兴趣.你应该立即与他们取得联系,尽可能在24小时内完成.其他的按    照潜力大小和兴趣进行分类.我要告诉你我们已经把这些人分成了最感兴趣的,比较感兴趣的,有点儿兴趣的和稍微有兴趣的,但没有一点儿兴趣没有的.8 }  M6 u' U# Q  n7 L
  哈哈...请不要告诉我你们有对我们一点儿兴趣都没有的顾客名单.我不喜欢打陌生的推销电话...4 T" b  s2 Z, a( D! n( Y- q0 m
  别担心,大部分线索即使没有很大的兴趣也都还是有点儿意思.我们只是一定要确保立即与最感兴趣的顾客取得联系.不管是什么原因,即使那些顾客现在没有准备订购我们的产品,他们将来也可能会感兴趣.请认真抓好每一条线索.我们花了一大笔销售预算才找出这些人.我不想让我们的投资付诸东流.1 E1 C7 |" L- q9 A1 ?" |
. x$ c! e5 r* `7 w, Z5 b+ Q! h0 b3 K5 S  categorize:to put people or things into groups according to what type they are 将…分类;把…加以归类 verb VN ~ sb/sth (as sth) ( C5 i7 \) B* D- K/ B3 |4 p
  See also: classify Synonym - q' ~$ P+ x7 ?( f) i2 l
  Participants were categorized according to age and sex. 参加者按年龄和性别分组。
: w5 S  n, H: H, D% r: ?  His latest work cannot be categorized as either a novel or an autobiography. 他最近的作品既不属于小说也不属于自传。
' U+ U+ G8 Z; ]6 H* w  order:a request to make or supply goods 订货;订购;订单 countable uncountable ~ (for sth) ! r# y: B1 t- ^1 t, r( E5 c+ u
  I would like to place an order for ten copies of this book. 这本书我想订购十册。
4 l5 y: u! c7 V4 Y$ r; B  an order form 订货单4 E9 @$ U. S; I! N" l
  The machine parts are still on order(= they have been ordered but have not yet been received) 机器零件尚在订购之中。
& U( G- v! q+ j, k1 b  These items can be made to order(= produced especially for a particular customer) 这几项可以订做。(go) down the drain informal
0 ?" @/ f7 T/ x$ H! l4 ~  (to be) wasted; (to get) very much worse 被浪费掉;变得非常糟糕 + x6 }$ A$ [$ ?) F/ c& u/ Y! Z& q
  It's just money down the drain, you know. 你要知道,这是白白丢钱。  I2 g+ P- p" F$ q
  Safety standards have gone down the drain. 安全标准根本不管用了.

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