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[BEC高级] 2011BEC商务英语高级口语对话:削价竞争

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  F: I Don't know how they do it! Our competitors have undercut us by 10% percent on the price of our latest model. There is no way will be able to
' N# S/ `$ O6 Hcompete against that. We're barely breaking even with the present prices.( w5 m8 x- U9 P) z( N* S! ?. A% U
  F: These price wars are disastrous for our bottom line. If they're charging 10% less than we are, we've got to find a way to lower our
. \* G4 v9 H4 \5 nprice while keeping our profit.- x! |# s) D7 ?* J/ U
  M: Profits are alomst nonexistent now, we can't beat their price. How do they keep their price so low?
! q: j8 T( X7 V  F: We can try to lower our cost of production then. We need a price that we can compete with, something comparable with the competition.
) g6 I8 E4 M) I3 b' ^  M: You really think we can make it? I don't have much faith in our ability to lower the price again. We're no match for them, the competition will beat # p3 }7 {. }( w% j/ X6 `
us hands down./ r# E9 W8 C6 T2 q% M3 Y
9 W2 }; z; ^8 A; r, r  这些价格战对我们底线的影响是灾难性的.如果他们比我们的要价低10%,那我们只能在维持利润的同事找到一种降低价格的办法.
3 c; L9 q) G# d8 e1 y  现在利润几乎是谈不上了...我们不能杀他们的价.他们怎么能把价格定的那么低?
) L# V7 b4 m9 J/ E! d) A+ f* W  那我们可以试着降低生产成本.我们需要一个有竞争力的价格,能够和对手相比的价格.
: z; R% ?3 Y2 z, T# Q  你真的认为我们能成功吗? 我对我们再次降价的能力没有多少信心.我们绝不是他们的对手,他们不费吹灰之力就能打败我们.
0 j' ?( e! R0 c* C1 S3 T. v% L  b5 R  undercut:to sell goods or services at a lower price than your competitors 削价竞争;以低于(竞争对手)的价格做生意 3 }1 A+ Y% z; D8 ^$ T% x
  to undercut somebody's prices 以低于对手的价格求售 * d+ w6 Y! }& N1 v9 E1 D- z5 Z) ]
  We were able to undercut our European rivals by 5%. 我们能以低于我们的欧洲对手 5% 的价格出售.break even:to complete a piece of business, etc. without either losing money or making a profit 收支平衡;不赔不赚 , |9 ?/ p' P/ x/ G! q, r: P
  The company just about broke even last year. 这家公司去年接近收支平衡.- i' J7 \) W' U/ ?- l. ~
  hands down:轻而易举地,不费吹灰之力的;1 F, s! y- w6 M+ Z/ o
  My brother always beats me at basketball, hands down. 打篮球,我哥哥总是轻而易举就打败我. 8 m$ a7 d" |# W# U. }  m0 G
  They won the game hands down. 他们在比赛中轻而易举地获胜.

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