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[BEC高级] 2011BEC商务英语高级口语对话:我们只招兼职

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  A: Thanks for coming in on such short notice. Did you find our studio okay?
6 U# @' M, O6 `; [$ C% I4 n  B:Oh, yes, it was very easy to find with the directions you gave me.
) {' C* F6 q1 p) |  i) B; M  A: Good. Well, let's get right into your interview. We're looking for someone who will be able to work on a part-time basis only.
. S9 \! E2 p3 }* l; H- r  B: That's no problem. I can work either part-time or full-time, but I actually prefer something part-time.% b0 v! Z) P) x. w: q; \
  A: Tell me a litter bit about your qualifications. We've already had over fifty applicants for this position. What sets you apart from all the other candidates?+ g+ u, H% L5 I- i8 F: o
  B: I think something I can offer that is different from everyone else is that I can speak several languages fluently. I have experience in intercultural communication, and I can help your station to reach a wider audience.
+ [: M1 u1 Y) H  A: Have you ever worked in broadcasting before ?) U* N4 p9 _) G
  B: I have done some work in print media, but this will be the first time to do broadcast media. Even though it is new for me, I learn really quickly. I have confidence I can get the hang of things in no time at all.: Q) @% a/ L2 @# \
  A: Would you mind giving us a demo right now?) c$ w# E  k) l8 L
  B: No problem! I'd be happy to./ F  x* n, q+ E$ h" A
  谢谢你能这么快赶过来.我们的演播室好找吗?) h2 k8 j6 T% x  F
  噢,好找.按你们提供的路线很容易就找到了.+ W; Z8 |& V9 c0 o) w
  O5 K. S6 Q" N3 _  那不是问题.我专职,兼职都可以,实际上更喜欢做兼职./ t% @9 ]7 k+ |2 j: t* t
  说一下你的应聘条件.我们这个职位已经有50多个应聘者了.你和其他应聘者有什么不同之处?. N+ B* h1 c9 w
" Q* h# U% e$ @  你以前做过广播这一行吗?$ ~6 K2 k9 v# ]3 l1 Q0 |% l4 }+ D$ p
  我做过报刊新闻方面的工作,但做广播这一行还是第一次,即使我对这工作不熟悉,我也很快就能学会,我自信自己很快就能掌握这一切.1 v8 y/ ]" A% U
' w( Y! t( p1 O  没问题!非常荣幸.* S$ l# Z" |" m/ t+ q9 }/ C* N
  qualification:a skill or type of experience that you need for a particular job or activity (通过经验或具备技能而取得的)资格;资历 countable5 K3 B* |4 W4 g
  Previous teaching experience is a necessary qualification for this job.& l" `* O1 b. W/ L, B: J  N/ e
3 i' f$ x8 y6 S1 o/ D  set somebody/something apart (from somebody/something)/ ?% l6 A8 i8 j8 G
  to make somebody/something different from or better than others 使与众不同;使突出;使优于…
( z# b( X9 O9 V( J, Q; e9 o  Her clear and elegant writing sets her apart from other journalists.
4 d$ x$ h4 k3 Y& C  她的文章清丽典雅,比其他记者高出一筹。. P4 f6 |3 C' N2 J, \) b8 L  ?2 S
  get the hang of something informal
: }; `! x0 K* g; w0 u# p4 r! c  to learn how to do or to use something; to understand something 掌握…的要领;了解…的用法;找到了诀窍# x8 r1 I% C2 Z" M+ `
  It's not difficult once you get the hang of it.1 |; D7 B+ c) ?3 m. R6 o

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