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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(31)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
; V+ h- u8 ~, g9 A2 |1. Go to the Cafeteria 去自助食堂 : j/ f, l& V& P4 P* [& z+ e
A: Where do you go for lunch today?/ r% k6 D; O$ z  Y6 l) g
B: I got to go to the Cafeteria. There is a meeting right after lunch. . r: i$ [0 I" g8 @5 e  Z* v" a% Q$ ^4 m
A: Okay.
$ b# v4 p5 r! |( {6 s" J, {A:今天你去哪吃午饭啊?
% x9 p2 g  d+ M  w# ~4 {- ZB:我得去自助食堂吃,吃完饭还要开会。
5 H+ G3 E! D! p# V9 R/ |5 l* t3 x" _7 @A:好吧。4 l8 [- P6 z% K2 _8 ^7 @" q
2. Need to get something fast 需要点些能快上的菜1 R9 l2 O$ o# D7 u- U5 l) ~, c
A: We are in a hurry, and need to get something fast. Any recommendations?
/ c. t+ _& F; u4 y0 s7 l1 @% G- PB: Sandwiches are very fast. They will be ready in five minutes.
+ b9 {9 N+ d0 O/ z0 c% nA:我们有急事,想来些能快上的菜,你有什么推荐吗?
) \' I( k  S* C& r2 JB:三明治很快,五分钟就好。
) @  h: Y6 ~4 @8 O3 C2 y8 [' g3. Place an order 点菜- m  {) Y% A9 b/ V# b4 G( e
A: Hello! May I place the order please?! F  }1 `1 \0 M" e
B: Sure. What would you like to order?
6 _" {0 D  G5 E! ~A: Lunch Special No. 10.% K3 l! e: }4 r9 c5 G' {
B: Super.) X2 ]* b2 }# l: m+ S1 Q: n* J$ _
1 @$ ^8 i( m! h! _& r
A:你好,我可以点菜吗?! i2 g# a9 h( @8 O/ F5 n
$ q8 i2 ^$ y7 {/ y: eA:10号特价午餐。
' s7 f, I( d  w8 }! AB:好的。6 j7 P) B( s0 [. A
( i; c( l# @1 V! o, M
& X3 D8 ?, T  P. B# a4 B) X; ?6 O
4. Ready to order 准备好点菜了
7 Q* F7 P' |+ h$ X0 MA: Are you ready to order?
( F3 ~% \/ }; A7 bB: Yes, I am.
( H9 o$ H- S7 j7 q, h
" F+ ~+ h+ j& s% c% i$ zA:可以点菜了吗?
# w7 j5 {; w+ V7 j5 f. i8 _B:是的。
' I  |) ^: S+ R& o' D+ P5. We are in a hurry. 我们很着急、有急事儿。
' k" D3 C1 Z1 h) I
$ R+ u7 X8 p6 gA: We are in a hurry. It's been so long and we haven't got our food yet.' H& m, r1 y' |& A7 |( ^8 h# o7 n* h
B: It's almost ready. I'll check on it again.
  F+ Q8 ~. b+ S1 C, r0 O  ZA:我们有急事儿,怎么等了这么久还没吃上东西?
5 g3 x) L* j, P+ ]3 O! E* y* D4 p! oB:快好了,我再催催。

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