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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(41)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
会议用语——客户会议(1)+ c9 s  [1 n# B
1.Count on your company 依靠贵公司
2 T  V& C3 [2 @- V) R- |0 dA: We are having serious issues with this program. We are counting on your company to help.7 a# q7 F' F+ N/ s  x# X
B: That is what we are here for. Let's get right to the issues.; a$ @8 ?1 g: C3 d
# k, w5 R1 Q8 h, PB:这正是我们来的目的,咱们直接进入正题吧。
) L. G  h1 t6 _0 G4 \! @2.Have a comany overview 做公司简介" M: O& |7 K- L6 I' s+ q' C6 Y
% S) v* s; p, L. i7 Q
A: Let me have an overview of our company.
, g. v9 `' [! q% J) r' f: z: lB: We're interested in the size, product range, business model, and financial status of your company.) c/ O$ \- ^/ }0 c' o: Z9 k
A:我先讲一下我们公司的概况。, h9 X7 }- ?9 G4 L& a) @6 T6 |
B:我们主要对贵公司的规模、产品范围、运作模式和财务状况感兴趣。/ g1 S" _5 n/ O5 M/ O! k
3.Introduce the team 介绍团队/ ]/ w  ?* \# l9 H, A8 E0 j/ Y
A: Let me introduce our team briefly.0 {# v- ]( o" P, e9 S
B: Sure. I'll do my introduction after you.
: C& @" i9 g/ c: F1 H+ t# N  [* lA:请允许我简要介绍一下我们的团队。- A" N# h$ `. ^. k2 j* p
2 f' B2 Y* d. V; a6 [2 ~1 j4.Let me take you to the Labs. 让我带你去实验室。
6 @  k/ m' R2 t2 f$ ~7 E% X- R
1 v3 n) w7 g( [/ ~0 e* EA: We just bought a lot of great testing equipment. Let me take you to the Labs.) E. L" l& r2 J2 [8 E
B: I'm very interested in your testing capability." |! C/ I# r+ r4 z! W# m- M
A:我们最近引进了一批很好的测试设备,让我带你去实验室吧。# B( _" K4 @7 s+ ?" E# ?
B:我对你们的测试能力很感兴趣。9 K" S0 G, I( x5 a3 f$ ^! a; r. P
5.Make a proposal 提建议
( @9 u. @( g; J2 J- H0 f
! p+ ?$ U( q3 `1 q) O& AA: I'd like to make a proposal.
$ l. H3 |8 U$ K4 o; bB: Go ahead. Tell us what you think./ i: Y+ N3 _  s9 f; G8 R

5 {  ?4 |$ C9 X! I8 YA:我想提一个建议。6 u1 M( [- S: s/ V& w' a

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