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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(53)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
/ O. M0 V) e& P( y1.Award 奖品,获奖
7 f; U; G4 e5 D9 V; G* ~6 d, G, WA: Are we going to decide the award recipients today?& g" {4 T+ V7 e  {+ F2 E
B: Yes. We plan to announce them next week.
& a8 j* A# s7 i' w$ bA:我们今天要决定获奖人吗?
. c* [+ Q6 f# W5 F$ VB:是的,我们计划下周公布。
* t4 u: ~8 w+ Y0 z6 g2.Behind schedule 比计划延期8 y, x3 [- @! d4 \( Z# G, }
A: How is the program going?' [. W% [3 C1 H/ q$ W+ k, C
B: We are away behind the schedule.; n; J; w7 L. R/ W1 {
A:项目进行得怎样?, k% h6 v+ T2 u1 d+ U
' Z' q% j  |7 Z. C3.Monthly review 月审核
7 M5 ]. d! v7 U0 J' iA: Let's have the monthly review this Friday., d  T* I; Y9 [* j. h$ G+ i
B: No problem. I'll arrange the meeting.
5 V- j  p6 ~! q( I  `A:我们周五做月审核吧。  K* @* z0 y6 g8 @
6 D3 X$ r8 m. }& r* V, J5 W# ?8 H8 m# `
4.Bonuses  红利/奖金
4 v. i9 i3 o  N  y: @5 gA: When are we going to distribute the bonuses?
# b2 k" l4 ^! @: q9 m' u% k6 ?! BB: I heard it's going to be next month.! ?$ ?; K  [, i0 j
" K' p5 x8 @8 @$ `3 E- {2 j! O7 vB:我听说是下个月发。
0 s* C. m9 O* I+ F
: R/ [/ O6 ~) x  T5.Conclusion 结论+ T2 @, x+ @: n- {; K
A: Have we arrived at any conclusions?
, v) X: ]! ^% W6 W1 e2 m' G0 DB: We have.4 g+ \/ U) X/ y2 r" l9 z  @
. ?& }4 F' F/ S/ sB:得出了。

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