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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(56)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
4 M: T9 H% Z3 m4 z* v$ }) J) S1.Why don't you ... 你问什么不……
; y: E- @& a/ a  aA: Why don't you work for our competitor?' T- X* q. `' T5 N# }; M
B: I don't like their attitude to their employees.
' b; @4 U: a( q( hA:你为什么不去我们的竞争对手那里工作?
" T1 X# g4 F$ z0 I' N; P: DB:我不喜欢他们对待员工的态度。 9 q/ E- s3 V8 m' u2 `- x$ s5 a
9 h  {  z9 p9 x/ T# V; M
2.Your questions 你的问题; x3 s' l+ v$ s( u7 V& m  L: W
A: What questions do you have for this position?
2 _6 b% S- q3 C% t3 o. H5 ~' zB: What is the day-to-day job for this position? And what is the future potential?& @. c& l& Z& `# @' ]( k
, S: H* T3 T# F; S/ |& D* o4 KB:这个职位主要的日常工作是什么?未来会有什么样的发展机会?4 Q4 d* \' z1 ~* R

9 V, z, n8 _  E: w4 C* i3.Have you designed any products? 你设计过什么产品吗?. G$ y7 A  S: k. r+ \# o
A: Have you designed any products?; V( {+ O9 l2 y# I
B: No. I have been a program manager since I graduated from college three years ago.: M, e: o" J, `$ K" e! q) E
A:你设计过什么产品吗?- Z" T" G" b! A9 `4 d6 W
B:没有,我自从三年前大学毕业就一直做项目经理。: G* E+ q: j  ?+ w. ], B/ @5 D
4 x* O4 `2 N, t- z5 K
4.Find our company 找到我们公司2 r5 L9 U1 o- o- z
A: How did you find our company?
' W/ a+ c9 b  K# {B: Your company is quite big in this area. I knew it because I'm also in the automotive industry.6 H$ g4 @% A3 v. U
' _# U6 C. Q, N* _  |B:贵公司在这个地区是非常庞大的,我知道是因为我也在汽车行业。
! s8 g4 t! u3 N/ |2 Z! I! P* {+ f0 D
5.How is your English? 你的英语怎么样?
1 Y0 s  X. a- I8 F( jA: How is your English?& Z- ^& H; Q5 g2 t) A$ c" A
B: My reading and writing are pretty good. But I need to work on my listening and speaking.  
9 T2 c$ C- F- H1 h' f5 f7 AA:你的英语怎么样?8 W+ W; |4 C- H) u! m

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