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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(66)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
0 c5 c# ^/ w9 f1 k% G1.Bending 弯曲 业务职能——制造工程(1)6 k( v) V! t4 m, i3 Q8 A$ a2 ]. w, z# d
1.Bending 弯曲
% p: [: [4 @7 s3 e% nA: What kind of parts do you usually need to bend?3 r  _; I* Y# o) z- ]/ k
B: Tubular parts or stampings.
9 [, Q+ z* k1 x3 ^+ NA:什么样的零件一般需要进行弯曲加工?7 ?- f) V( `  Q- A) \; T8 H
$ \* A8 R8 W3 n  B* t
1 j  P% y. Z# o8 d* r) `$ C  h9 ]2.Cycle time 工作周期$ ]4 ]9 I$ c/ b) R. ]1 p7 Q
A: What is the cycle time of the injection molding machine?
# h; l1 l1 }' M$ T* @0 ~6 N! j8 EB: Three minutes.% s, S* @3 I6 u% x% B/ b
* W; w+ }4 p2 X" g- ]B:三分钟。 % w5 A6 y9 l8 y
; O9 p& i* z4 B8 ^- l
3.Sampling 抽样/ ?1 a5 R6 A) _. ]3 R. ?! u) y
A: There are certain rules for sampling, right?
; |* |& }$ [) g8 m  hB: Right. You'll get scrap without following the rules.: z$ h) g$ g9 Z! R, [3 f7 |5 [
A:抽样有一定的规则,是吗?7 t. W" T0 _2 I: n: v; q# ]$ b
! r- O4 u8 Z: f, j
* B8 P: j$ M) i3 Z* Z9 D* [4.Broaching 拉削" ~5 u: I  m; ~- \" s4 Z- P
A: Can you use broaching to make a gear?
1 q2 `3 k5 [+ C0 NB: Why not?9 `4 g9 E6 s* x  U+ z% y
A:你能用拉削技术制作齿轮吗?9 U' ~. z( ^8 |2 m- u  P% K* B0 ~
( b" p5 z0 q7 W9 g$ o' F, F
# [6 a. U" y0 ~8 G; w, M9 w5.Casting 铸造# W2 Z7 T& e* v0 q! ^
A: What is the best process to make complex metal parts?$ }+ H3 e. W" g& ~& e
B: Casting. No matter if the part is large or small
# M' L% R; p" p. f6 q& K; hA:制造复杂金属件的最好工艺是什么?) c/ H2 _' n) \" S3 d  N
1 R4 A, J9 G5 p( ~4 K0 xA: What kind of parts do you usually need to bend?7 Q& H! I% f' e2 _  z& w
B: Tubular parts or stampings.
" i! N! U: M) Z9 Q/ C4 WA:什么样的零件一般需要进行弯曲加工?8 l  [2 U& `6 d5 r& r" P: \* i
# J7 U. O* U2 w3 s" u
( ~4 d; ]# W( r, e0 x2.Cycle time 工作周期
0 z; p8 r1 a, A1 l5 WA: What is the cycle time of the injection molding machine?
9 h) I0 Z) I. c+ jB: Three minutes.
& [3 n8 d& d3 {) W* ~0 vA:这台注塑机的工作周期是多少?
9 M; s8 S/ M  KB:三分钟。 $ k9 E% T/ t% F2 C; T! ^' ^# @' I
# C6 F" t8 F5 Z; K2 u( A! ?
3.Sampling 抽样! }2 r- o# P& T7 J0 J& U
A: There are certain rules for sampling, right?% n1 g2 ~$ S' v/ |1 ~# t  l
B: Right. You'll get scrap without following the rules.
9 J" I/ D* N5 u2 I7 C8 _A:抽样有一定的规则,是吗?* X0 H9 I% P  E: Z, F
B:是的,不遵循这些规则就会出废品。( I5 T" L! t# @" Q* L& v

5 c. e8 s1 ^4 R! Z# p4.Broaching 拉削
+ v( }1 t) B& ~1 W* L- E5 vA: Can you use broaching to make a gear?, [5 @# z7 Q3 M4 ]. V3 y0 [! \) z
B: Why not?
# d5 d- u7 K; J# nA:你能用拉削技术制作齿轮吗?
8 W  f4 t/ M  Q9 v2 JB:为什么不能。7 O; s' g/ A7 }( ^0 Z) d5 V. W* b) N

# \$ L* \" _4 |4 i9 j, x5.Casting 铸造; S* e( y# A% m  T  P
A: What is the best process to make complex metal parts?6 o. t# p" ^  f- Z, }  d$ A) q$ k
B: Casting. No matter if the part is large or small
8 S+ W: B* ^" {& QA:制造复杂金属件的最好工艺是什么?
7 K  I' F$ S1 T9 p$ AB:铸造,零件大小都没有关系。

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