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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(78)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
" h# ~: N3 k: r/ H1.Brainstorming 头脑风暴 7 w1 l- E) i3 r+ F9 }9 S; R
A: Why do we do brainstorming?1 o) J9 `1 N' E7 d2 T% I. {
B: The objective is to generate a maximum number of potentially usable ideas in a minimum of time.7 o6 Y. v  @! Q$ u2 Z# _7 o$ o
4 |4 x  }/ O" SB:头脑风暴的目的是在最短的时间内收集最多的有用的主意。 : b* G) a2 v' s8 l5 @/ a0 ^4 U* Q
% t" P" ]% p% O
2.Capital investment 资本性投资
4 ?; k8 }7 m: G% Z+ l' bA: The captial investment for the new site is around fifty million dollors.8 \# }% ~% a* |: K, v9 m# F- Y
B: That is a huge investment. We need to be careful.3 {$ {5 F: {* f: f' I
( r9 L$ L8 e* b/ b+ M  u$ eB:真是一笔巨额投资啊,我们可要谨慎些。 ) n: ^6 z5 ]5 \/ w1 S- P6 [7 U4 L
" A8 X9 G* q2 J# `( e+ ]  _
3.Cycle plan 产品换代计划$ ]# a8 y: I$ T4 o: n9 f" t) o5 Z" G
A: Did you take a look of the recent cycle plan?: w. F, s* v! g$ I* y1 }; I/ n
B: I did. It is totally different from half a year ago.
% ?/ o4 k, t6 j2 U; B( k; i; CA:你看了最近的产品换代计划吗?
" [. g- a1 @* |1 Q  sB:看来,和半年前的完全不同。1 Y: d5 F9 ~/ N9 u' E
2 q1 \8 b. ~" }, a4 V
4.Land acquisition 获取地皮+ }( q  ^" E% ~3 l
A: Did you review the contract of the land acquisition?
+ M- @, I/ u) ]8 {- m/ aB: Yes. We need to negotiate on the price.
: s9 \8 [, |. a- p' @A:你看了土地使用合同了吗?
, ]" b# r0 S' R% ?# Q$ L% FB:看了,价钱上还需要谈谈。, G) L& a7 D% N+ B% U% [

3 J$ n' R1 ?  ]5.Long term strategic planning 长期战略计划
% l+ M9 M# L, f/ Z0 kA: We assigned a team on the long term strategic planning.* h9 G. K7 \" K1 C( T
B: That is good.1 A1 T/ f% ?! C
0 \9 p. q/ B- O& P( |1 HB:很好。

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