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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(79)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
业务职能——战略规划(2)( K% |" W- k1 K: d

$ l! P; M3 n1 M# s" M1.Obstacles 障碍2 K6 I8 ?% I8 F8 W8 f
A: Any obstacles for our growth in the next five years?
9 K. x! V- y; W6 H( T! H$ ?B: This is what I want to talk to you.% ^& K8 G. x' S: X: x
! G+ j' @6 E; H/ u7 z. E  U2 QB:我正想和你谈这个问题呢。
1 k- u" s# K" {' A* N0 H
/ M3 {! m9 ~2 Q* F0 i8 r2.Operations optimization 优化运行: e6 L2 T* ^5 k" X0 Y
A: How do we do operations optimization?- H( _" }; k4 `! o' X
B: I wish there is  one simple formula for this.! s, [( Q/ X2 Z! v( D3 F+ }& A
3 k- s9 I. o( @& I5 C$ EB:要是有一个简单的公式多好。/ u; H# |8 Z: C6 f; n
) p# p+ i; |# |+ W4 S+ {0 I) s
3.Opportunities 机会, D  x% a/ T  Y* J/ x! E
A: The growing market provided us a lot of opportunities.. Y. Z8 v! q* X/ [
B: We are also facing many challenges.
* u+ j/ X( I$ J7 n! J7 l3 AA:市场(需求)的增长给了我们很多机会。
& t$ F9 c9 D$ a4 t& ~, D+ h+ BB:我们也面临着许多挑战。
" B1 s" z0 `, i, u
3 t# X" `8 T0 m+ F& _4.Short term planning 短期规划# S9 M5 ]6 L' b" |
A: How do we define short term planning.
" G3 ^* A+ r( h. j& |, l  WB: The planning within next year.
5 T& a4 P. J1 W: MA:我们是如何定义短期规划的?
$ R+ [$ Y' ^. M: bB:未来一年之内的规划。
9 @4 h5 Y9 f  |, f* t5 ~* a( T6 H. |$ x( |, x6 U4 n
5.Vision 发展目标6 q+ \9 c6 Y( p- }! L' H
A: How do we define our vision?
2 w0 ~1 B6 Z) c  }4 y% K& i6 a( yB: We want to become the best small car producer in the industry.
9 _8 Z4 F% _) f$ W8 @A:我们是怎样定义我们的发展目标的?* R7 P+ `# X5 J8 x" C" |

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