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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(90)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
业务职能——财务会计(1)- O" R3 {+ T4 z: p/ Z  d' Z6 N# q
  1.Accountant 会计
* x  q' J$ Z; x  A: So you sound like an accountant.
; P/ L3 T0 W' w. ]7 G8 R  B: I'm a certified public account (CPA).$ i5 z& c) L3 k; C
$ d5 S# p, y8 x  B:我是个注册会计师。
3 w1 U" G; Q0 y) U& P* w0 P/ C  2.Appreciation 增值+ F6 N  I5 p! y( r
  A: Could an asset appreciate?
+ f: e7 {: u9 y2 e, y. c. p0 O  B: It could. Like the real estate may appreciate over the years." P5 s  Q: z- {1 c. V+ V
- F9 }9 |2 y" r0 H* I3 D8 {  B:会的,例如房地产可能会随时间增值。9 m" F3 ^: c( B% ^9 A/ ]: |. _
  3.Break even 收支平衡" B) j3 Q( C8 Z/ H
  A: Did you guys make any money last year?
& V9 C7 C% e9 g; i1 H- q! Q8 ]  B: No. We just broke even.
$ u5 U6 T  R2 m5 B3 S8 D  A:我们去年盈利了吗?
! `1 O5 z8 R! ~  G! P/ p  B:没有,只是不亏不盈。" ]' d& G- m0 i& P+ [4 v
  4.Cashier 出纳员- G. H7 P& e* k6 K7 c( _
  A: Who is the Cashier of our company?$ q; w$ v. L7 P% {/ V) E+ v+ x
  B: Mr. Liu.. g9 s) X+ n. U% c+ v
. D% |7 F+ U" b# u2 U/ l  B:刘先生。+ U1 m; B( G1 q# |9 g
  5.A/P (Account Payable)应付账款0 b+ R8 k! ?+ L3 b* |0 S! [
  A: What does Accountant Payable record?5 s8 o1 m7 T# C6 H
  B: It records all the payments we need to make.
) j+ `/ E: q3 T* M2 {/ j% Z; T  A:应付账款都记录些什么?8 p% ]! B+ s  X+ O2 E/ [

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