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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(89)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 业务职能——项目管理+ D7 n$ K( h: q4 L& v2 V
  1.Critical path 关键途径& w: P" Q2 s1 [
  A: What is the critical path of a program?- n, L" I0 V! @
  B: It's the arrangement of events that control the overall program timing., ?! s" E3 O( u% J8 i7 x2 ^
  A:一个项目的关键途径是指什么?  A' k( g9 |: _0 b4 ~. L$ S( m
  B:是指控制整个项目时间进程的相关事件的安排。2 a+ N6 x+ r8 P4 k
  2.Program review 项目审核7 G7 w9 d9 k: p. J
  A: When you review a program, what do you check?
) [) y3 z/ }( _  B: Typically you check the three elements of program management: time, money,and quality.) V: f+ w  x7 O. o( o* ]
9 B$ |( ^, P4 J9 y1 n! P" b8 ^) b  B:通常要检查项目管理的三个要素:时间、费用和质量。$ |" D) e0 Y, D8 I
  3.Timeline 时间表
2 D7 z( X( `( `) B) w  A: Who needs to control the timeline of a program?, D: Y& Q9 e! j7 A' G
  B: The Program Manager. It's his responsibility.
( m- f0 p* W' F% w  A:谁需要控制项目的时间表?7 i% b# E4 E% l
  B:项目经理,这是他的职责。) [, `3 K) X  V* o# g( f
  4.Program scope 项目范围! \, R5 f) t5 T8 q1 Z' e
  A: Who decides the program scope?) ]2 P0 w8 V7 i: C# [8 _
  B: It comes from the mutual agreement with our customers.; o& |6 E0 O7 Q2 D7 _2 {
$ _* H# R( ~1 L( \) A) D9 ^4 W  B:由我们和客户商议决定。  P4 `8 E% p0 F  ~# k
  5.Timing 掌握时机8 S9 a: O3 n4 j9 M
  A: What is your timing of the prototype delivery?
6 }9 H. k* H) F2 G8 S$ f) n" y  B: July 22nd.$ Q' K3 x! w' _0 S# S
  A:你的样件交付的时间是什么时候?5 S$ ^1 f+ v2 z# ]* q3 e3 p

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