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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(96)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
( z: ~, k! t5 j9 U  1.Contract law 合同法
0 V* q: c! Z' V" W9 j  A: Is there a contract law in China to govern all the contracts?% {' l3 s1 A* e4 w) H
  B: You bet. All the disputes will be governed by the Contract Law of China.
* ^/ I4 g, O9 c) [  A:中国有管理合同的合同法吗?/ B( e9 j  y( ]+ b  ?
  B:有的,所有的合同纠纷都依据中国合同法来解决。6 |+ J; I' V/ k+ z# ?$ W: G, p
  2.Court 法院
. C6 i3 N4 F2 c# C% x- S. K* P7 I  A: Did we specify which court would be the judge if there is any dispute?
# \8 q7 Y5 Q0 A, g  H' }! j' X# j  B: Yes. It'll be the Beijing district court.
0 G- i* @" x' G/ [- Y4 j" M3 \  A:我们对纠纷仲裁有指定的法院吗?
: b6 K( T4 d# R$ J4 G$ A  B:是的,我们指定了北京地方法院。& N7 W- j+ o+ H6 N2 q
  3.Development contract 开发合同
2 q  J4 g  W- u  A: Is this a development contract?
+ _; B) Q5 q; @  E: U9 E# ^% }* K. T4 A  I  B: You're absolutely right. We are signing a development contract.* [$ ~& p; k5 i- K/ u4 K
  A:这是开发合同吗?, S' s# M) l# E( @8 B+ C! S# C# p
  B:绝对正确,我们在签一个开发合同。1 c0 f: o# V6 m3 B
  4.Fine 罚款
9 X* ]' u8 Q0 Q; p8 j! L) v0 ~  A: If the delivery is late, what is the penalty?6 h6 m) I: g$ [8 ]" N. o
  B: The vendor will be fined 1% of the total contract value for each day they missed.
5 L# e( O1 [' v: z' [0 n  A:如果交货延期了,怎样罚款?
8 e3 i2 X5 ^. _% F5 c' o$ o6 t8 d  B:每延误一天,卖方就要支付合同总金额的1%。" L  N7 u6 h) q7 Z* g/ k- n
  5.Installment payment 分期付款, \; [/ `7 }1 j6 Z# u
  A: How many installment payments are we proposing?
0 ^, N; U) M4 F8 d' v  B: Five.
; ^# K! S, T5 x. j# q) }  A:我们打算分几期付款?# C* }2 X+ K, n! X0 M

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