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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(100)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
# S% p' @& J' p1 O- S1 i% q! Z  1.Customer satisfaction 客户满意度
$ [. u. C9 u: u% ?7 g  A  A: How do you guarantee the customer satisfaction?Sometimes they have unreasonable requests.- M5 m% ]9 b" k  n; f/ k2 J
  B: The way is always to say "yes" to a customer, but the "yes" is conditional.
% q4 {) T! p: C. z: d  A:你们怎样保证客户满意呢?有时他们会提一些不合理的要求。, Z2 z$ O1 ]) \+ H! ]! L: C9 d
  B:关键是对客户永远说“是”,但这个“是”是有条件的。- W# Q1 H5 L7 J8 o- e* `: c
  2.Gain/loss of market share 得到/失去市场份额
7 ~- C6 t! [- l/ Y- D. n6 K  A: Why did we lose so much of the market share?
8 b; D1 ?7 z% s* k8 X; X1 Q  B: The government put a control on the loans. People are not buying cars like a year ago.2 k& T) e; E8 L
* A. p% ^9 ]; M+ ~, w# O  B:政府对贷款实施了控制,人们不像一年前那样愿意买车了。
3 l! s2 b( e+ ~9 L. n8 Q" E# v. X  3.Import/export 进口/出口
  `7 q5 D- \& t  A: How could we import parts from China to reduce our costs?8 X5 Y- M1 Z# E5 ^" K
  B: Everyone is doing it. Why shouldn't we? There has to be a way for us.8 i) K+ n* t$ w% l8 |
  A:我们怎么能从中国进口零件来降低成本呢?* b# ^3 U) D/ j7 B' x6 o! ?
% F& A- C$ Q2 k% q  4.Paid tooling 付费工装
$ Q; U8 \% e# ?; B  A: Are we going to pay for the tooling?
5 {, t; \, c3 D, }% p, u7 n  B: Yes. For this program, we will provide paid tooling.& u0 n  d$ z7 @9 ^8 K' {. V
) J* J8 k" c! ]* {2 X  B:是的,对这个项目我们会提供付费工装。
2 Z( |2 T1 c: ?3 ~  5.Play games 敷衍搪塞& w6 k, T, Z/ I& X( I& m7 H
  A: He was playing games with me.$ v5 k! z$ p# \& K) p
  B: We need to figure out how to nail him.
; [$ q) h6 ^' U# ^& b$ c. {  A:他是在敷衍我。9 c% T" r6 K) g7 K, b

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