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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(99)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
法律事务——发明与专利(2)- Q5 z8 t6 U; u: t# N
  1.Novel and practical 新颖实用 8 l. Z1 I0 T! T- X$ f$ o1 X! X" ?, F
  A: Who decides if the patent application is novel and practical?  Y" @1 {5 W2 G* O
  B: The Patent Committee.
# A; h+ u/ P, ^& O* U- g& s8 D  A:谁来决定专利申请是否新颖实用?
. v2 i* o, p# s) t, W. {) i( L  B:专利委员会。
! `, y8 Z7 S$ N: `( E  2.Patent infringement 侵犯专利权( ~* Z- b" c" z9 K) i8 x
  A: What happens if we have a patent infringement?
+ P. r) o8 y5 x% k# G  B: Your company gets huge fines and you won't be allowed to sell the related produces.! w& j$ h4 W; K$ D% G* \# q3 J7 l
: @( z! r& E# \1 Q# n  B:你的公司要支付巨额罚款,任何有关产品也不允许销售。" W% Z5 V. g% i8 @
  3.Patent licensing 专利许可证" m2 v. p) h% Y" @
  A: We need to license a patent. What do we need to do?
$ P8 {; @4 s- G$ a- U  B: You need to contact the company who owns the patent.4 L: `) [8 \9 v/ `2 R& F" W8 g$ k
  A:我们需要采用一项专利,应该怎么办?- {* A. ?# y, ~, _! j
  B:你需要联系一下拥有这个专利的公司。9 R) t/ Y. @0 P6 \1 S$ P# O
  4.Sole license 独家许可证
5 q& `% p4 b* w* f) E; _* g: w  A: We want to get the sole license for China.+ j/ S# x3 p& w1 e' Z
  B: We will have to think about it.
  z  J& a$ n- I0 `% e8 X  A:我们想拿到全中国的独家许可证。9 a5 g, j  Y9 P2 ~! o
2 @0 o) T6 k, z: o& j  5.Technical know-how 专有技术
& M6 a( E% B$ c: l+ Z7 H0 l  A: Would a patent involve technical know-how?
, l$ R5 I/ h2 ]/ Q0 g  B: Sure. But you'll have to publish the know-how.' }+ ?: _' T0 _0 `& |' w
  A:专利包括专有技术吗?% v: _% r; y  s4 X

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