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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(108)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
: b% e/ O5 K9 W) {  1.Customer complaints 客户投诉" H$ C8 r5 K9 W6 t$ x
  A: We had a lot of customer complaints on our products. What should we do?
" w' l7 p$ ]. M; j  B: We need to investigate the cases, and find the root of the cause.+ _" B* d" V& h4 s% t  f( P. w0 s- Q
  A:有很多客户投诉我们的产品,我们该怎么办?& a% G7 m1 q1 x) d& a
  B:我们要调查一下情况,找出根本原因。 " C4 U) z6 S. M; ?% }4 E
  2.Formal complaints 正式投诉
  R& ^, O0 \9 G: p8 k4 N  A: Today, our customer sent a letter of formal complaints to our General Manager.
5 X4 v$ H3 ]! L  C- P! H  B: Really? It's getting very serious. We got to take care of it soon.& T: l1 t: z! u: ]0 z* ?
  A:今天,我们的客户给总经理发了一封正式的投诉信。$ t6 m7 V9 S8 ?/ Z0 m% t7 y
1 j( C) {1 L, m0 y# w7 f5 t+ r  3.Public relations 公共关系
/ l6 j( r0 N& F6 P1 ~0 X+ V* Q  A: Who takes care of complains in our company?8 p# _  n3 q! \
  B: Public Relations Department.' \! n/ i; z1 i0 T
  A:谁来负责我们公司的投诉?. E2 q6 H! ^, t( m9 [8 l
) U/ h9 A; C# n( H* x- v% ]  4.Punishment 惩罚
! ^: U' A# T" Q4 T  A: If you don't satisfy customers, they would remember, and they will punish you by not buying your products.
$ h, Y6 E- t, L! F) ]  B: I learnt that in a hard way.6 W3 c5 x9 r7 ?4 |2 [0 C( b
  A:如果你不让你的客户满意,他们会记在心里,通过不再买你的东西来惩罚你。/ e( s  P& d) n& b2 j" k+ r/ B
  B:我有过惨痛的经验教训。8 t- L/ }$ H7 w) r9 S. J$ h. p
  5.Survey of satisfaction 满意度调查: T( r2 h* y* M1 U+ g6 n' ~
  A: Do we have a survey of satisfaction?
) B" ?; @( |! g) m+ r  B: No. We rely on J.D Power reports.
/ t* B( D$ [+ g- L6 c0 D5 l3 V  A:我们有满意度调查吗?
" i" q6 B! g4 H" p/ j  B:没有,我们依靠J.D Power调查报告。
6 k7 H5 a' F1 w4 {, _4 R+ k$ z  Note: J.D Power is a company who does evaluation quality on cars and auto systems.- d. ?/ S4 X* M" O& r  n
  注:J.D Power是一个评估汽车和汽车系统质量的公司。

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