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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(106)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
法律事务——保险(1)3 B* h, [/ M3 e' n% m
  1.Auto insurance 汽车保险
5 `8 o% l8 D3 F# M# ?, r: f  A: I heard that you bought a new car. Did you get your auto insurance?
2 K# f: ]+ ^$ A  D  B: Actually I bought a new used car. Yes, I did.
* o! X! R4 ^7 u- I8 c2 A  A:我听说你买了一辆新车,你买了汽车保险吗?
! Z7 [5 \3 O. v/ Y# K  B:其实我买的是一辆新的二手车。是的,我买保险了。 ) Q4 c: C, |9 _. H; ?  K
  2.Beneficiary 受益人
+ Z2 Z( _; `& t. O$ u% O) ~% \  A: Who is the beneficiary?
. p9 k9 U. O9 i. a& L2 W  B: My husband.5 q& h$ y+ l1 ~6 p6 F
- B* V; @9 M$ i. v3 B$ u  B:我丈夫。 4 t% y# [3 s: D* C( m
  3.Co-pay 自付率: V9 ~- ^! _) }1 ~* T3 n
  A: How much is the co-pay for this medical insurance?
4 P& i4 S" C: c6 Y% E" j* f% h+ _  B: $10 for office visit, and 20% for other expenses.% A8 r3 T4 Z# a4 p3 D* x3 s
  A:这种医疗保险的自付率是多少啊?: H$ i- K: d9 [. w
6 ?, K4 d& _9 e/ [9 [* e  4.Coverage 保险范围/ y# u  t* k6 R3 S
  A: What is the coverage of the plan?
6 `0 V- {7 j8 A$ _. k& F  B: It covers most medical expenses at 80%, expect pre-existing conditions.
3 |4 U6 t$ g2 Z  A:这种保险的投保范围是怎样的?
% j0 }; f( g* }1 D% Y  B:保大多数医疗费用的80%,不包括投保前发生的老病。( k* y8 ~+ s+ E9 l; {
  5.Dental insurance 牙保险9 ]3 s4 G0 o) D1 X7 ?2 G# m# T3 U( s
  A: Is the dental insurance separated from the medical insurance?
+ S( s" `9 h2 \  B: It is in the United States.
, t8 o/ D$ k: @. o! X: l  A:牙保险和医疗保险是分开的吗?# z" Z' R- j5 T7 x. p

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